Just added profile markdown so you can basically have a webpage with @typelogdev #buildinpublic
I'd love to start a newsletter, but both popular options are meh. Substack is a bit shady IMO and Revue was acquired by Twitter. Thinking if this would be a nice feature of 🤔

#BuildInPublic #Newsletter #Blogging #Typelog
Using @ConvertKit for and here's my subscribe rate. It was 1 subscriber (my wife 🤣) for 6 months

#Typelog #BuildInPublic
Will probably be doing a #firebase ➡️ @supabase_io migration coming up for I wonder if I'll be creating an #EmberData #EmberJS adapter for this. 🤔

#buildinpublic #StaticBlog #Typelog #DevelopersWriting #JavaScript #Jekyll #Hugo #Gatsby
It's easy to feel imposter syndrome when it comes to code and blogging about it. You don't need any more barriers, that's why I'm building

Write about where you are and your journey, that will be useful.

#typelog #impostersyndrome #buildinpublic
Working on a static blog post editor so you can actually write on your blog more then once a year 🤣 Sign up to get notified at launch here:

#typelog #JAMStack #BuildInPublic #IndieWeb #DeveloperFocused #jekyll #EmberJS #JavaScript #markdown
I haven't shipped my new blog yet but I've got a bunch that are 90-100% ready to when the rest of the site is done.

It's amazing how much easier it is to write when you don't have a build/deployment workflow in your way. Just log in and edit.
Thinking of moving this as a sync that happens behind the scenes so you can create your first draft while things sync. #typelog #BuildInPublic
Moved tag syncing to blog setup, which has made things quite fast. This is the only time tags are synced for now, will be adding a manual sync to settings I think. #typelog #BuildInPublic #SSG #EmberJS
Working on a static blog post editor so you can actually write on your blog more then once a year 🤣 Sign up to get notified at launch here:

#typelog #JAMStack #BuildInPublic #IndieWeb #DeveloperFocused #jekyll #EmberJS #JavaScript #markdown
Fixed post sync after removing deprecated methods on isomorphic-git and added tagIds at the same time for

Working on making tags first class citizens like posts.

#typelog #BuildInPublic
Started working on a new landing page (above the fold only) for and decided to work on a logo alternative.

#typelog #staticblog #JAMStack #buildinpublic @GetMakerlog #Design #LandingPage
With I'm using two new libraries, isomorphic-git and xstate, and both are fun to work with.

#typelog #JAMstack #javascript #buildinpublic
Have a few mobile style bugs to squash in #typelog, helps when you use the product you are building.

#buildinpublic #staticblog #JamStack
Currently uses one #xstate state-machine to handle saving posts and updating git. It looks like I need to convert the git part into its own machine that can run in parallel. So on save a parallel state can kick off to sync git.

#typelog #BuildInPublic