Today's lesson in template slicing?

Use absolute pathing for assets and sections for page scripts.

Going to be looking into using app root `~/` in the future.

Slicing up of the CoderPro theme into #RazorPages for development today.

Shout out to @3rdwave_themes for a nice looking product.

More work to come but I like the changes so far.

A big question in my mind is how much to hard code?

The big corp developer in me wants to be configurable b/c reality always changes.

The solo developer in me wants to just get it done.

Struggling for balance when 30+ years of one is crushing the other.

That moment when you connect to the database for the first time 😁

For future reference:

- It matters where the SQLite db file is located
- VSCode has a `cwd` field in the launch.json file

If those locations are not the same then things ain't gonna work!

Using SQLite as an embedded read-only database has it's benefits.

- The license cost. FREE!
- Operational cost. No server!

It's free but I avoid the cost of maintaining an RDBMS when I am only using 1/2 of it.

I've decided to use SQLite as a read-only database:

- Embedded in container (which makes it versioned)
- Composed during the build with SQL files
- Faster than parsing JSON files

Pre-building the database for a query only application.

I am getting weary of the term 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘱 being thrown about these days.

Your startup, as you call it, is just a product. If it were a startup you would have a business and banking entity associated with it.

You don't. You are launching another product.

Reading *Courage is Calling* by Ryan Holiday.

"Foresee the worst to perform the best"

That is building software in a nutshell. Every estimate. Every sprint. Thinking about what could go wrong and planning to avoid it when it does.

@techpresso1 Writing, then building. It’s all relaxing to me!
The entire process should be able to generate runbooks and scripts from a CI/CD pipeline.

I need deliverables to focus. The deliverables define the schedule.

I got sloppy. July 4th was the original ship date, and it came and went.

The project will keep the command line program for local processing of files. It will add an extensible API server for common runbook processing tasks.

This iteration will redefine the runbook YAML format to allow for limited scripting.

On switching from Jira here are my notes:…

I may switch eventually (just not for this iteration). I wanted to have all docs, tickets, and code in GitHub but I needed a schedule more than colocation.

I have been looking into the new #GitHubProjects feature to replace my #JiraCloud instance.

I figured that if the ticket I was working on were closer to the code that would not be bad.

Besides, some people really hate #Jira. There are even websites dedicated to it!
Here is the stack that I have decided upon:

- Monorepo for all project code
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD
- GitHub Wiki for technical docs (including use cases)
- .NET 6 (no switch to Go)
- GNU Emacs for source
- Jira for tickets
- Docker & Docker Compose

I have been working toward making my development simpler by using less tools.

I have been reviewing how I want to restructure the project. Everything from language to CI/CD was on the table.

My goal was to simplify until the development was fun again.

"Never change compilers before a release."

That was the advice given to me by my boss 32 years ago. Now that I am looking toward a new version for the runbook compiler it is time to change some things up.

In my view they play *THE* role in defining features. Nothing can beat a detailed path of events.

I am reading #TAOCP as well and have started using Knuth's method for recording algorithms in the events.…

#UseCases #BuildInPublic
Using the GitHub Wiki to record them keeps them close to the code. Using a monorepo keeps everything in a single place.

This is one of the books I keep referring to for use case design:…

#UseCases #BuildInPublic
I am a use case kind of guy. It is a factor of the period, the 90s, when I started developing.

The larger the project the more use cases helped me.

Today I use them to nail the workflow of whatever I am working on.

#UseCases #BuildInPublic
I am not a *huge* fan of the flat top-level pages but an outline is produced from the markdown. Things are looking up for the GitHub Wiki.

+1 for the TOC

Trying GitHub Wiki for design docs and GitHub Pages for end user docs.

+1 for GitHub Pages using Jekyll
+1 for publishing to a custom domain

#BuildInPublic #GitHubPages