Day 9

Hmmm, I missed 2days, I mean i did worked, really! I just did not have the time to post it on here 🙂

#buildinpublic #PaaS #KRYSTALatCannes #9ent2023xfreenbecky
Day 6 .

I already have 35 commits in 5days+few hrs, 30% close to finishing up ..

Today's Goal****

- Refactoring code for production level and testing

- Nodejs with TypeORM initialization

#buildinpublic #saas
Day 4

- authentication with Node js ( sign up routes ) [ continues ]

#buildinpublic #producthunt #NodeJS #MERN
Day 3.

- authentication with Node js ( sign in and sign up )

#buildinpublic #producthunt #NodeJS #MERN
Day 2

- building the last section ( feature section ) and setting up the Backend server ( Node js + Typescript)

Wait-list page will be available soon..
Stay updated 👍

What hosting platform would you consider for a SaaS product ?

What are your recommendation?

#buildinpublic #30Daysofcode
Day-1 ( IDAN is building)

Building a product in 30days challenge kick started today ..

- building landing page ( wait-list )

#buildinpublic #ProductHunt #30Daysofcode #PaaS