For better UX and increased conversions replace your auto rotating carousels/sliders with static image call to actions.

After thousands of A/B tests big tech (Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Tesla, Disney) focuses each fold on one primary offer.✨

#UI #UX #UIUX #buildinpublic
Changing how you respond to fear can change your life.

Tell me about a time you felt the fear but did it anyway! How did it change your life?

#tweetinpublic #learninpublic #buildinpublic
@TheJackForge Would you replace “followers” with something like “friends”?

Wondering if people would want the option to choose between calling them followers/friends in the onboarding flow or if they want Twitter/the platform to choose for them

#UIUX #UXresearch #BuildInPublic
Public challenge:

I've told my friends that I'm challenging myself to get to 50k by 27th September.

I thought: "Why not share it with the world?"

So here it is!

I'm going to get to 50k followers by 27th September.