@greglim81 This is the reason why #buildinpublic works, IMO.

And I bet many people take CBC just to take a peek at what happens behind the scene of a successful CBC.
@jasonleowsg 😂 Yeah, frankly, sometimes I read people's #buildinpublic tweets and thought "Wait, is this guy whining in the name of sharing vulnerability?" Those posts inspired this tweet.
@thinkknight I think the hard part of #buildinpublic is not the updates themselves. It's being accountable and reliable enough to generate all the incremental progress worth sharing. Thoughts?
Good news. In this era of #buildinpublic, we don't have to. You can be a Notion consultant today, a Youtuber tomorrow. The world will forgive.

We are humans not startups. Human grows differently.

More reasons to ship today. Your product and you can always be updated later.
You can't glue atomic essays together and end up with a book.

The process is more like building a new house with your atomic essays as the scaffold.

Treat your atomic essays more like public atomic notes. The #buildinpublic version of your long-form product.
@thinkknight I have a guess it comes from #buildinpublic movement. I have been thinking about how such thing can be accomplished for thinkers and content creators. Would love to hear your take!