Building a B2C product?

Don’t bother…

But if you insist you need to ask yourself this 1 question:

Can people on Tiktok promote it?

If not - DO NOT build 👀


@levelsio and @Davidjpark96 have proven this is the way to scale

Their proof 👇🏻

First time founder?

Don’t spend a week building a new feature multiple customers haven’t requested 😆

What my prospect looks like after I’ve chased them for 3 months and they’ve finally subscribed to my saas 😂

When I first launched my saas (niche version of zoominfo for the marketing industry) I had an idea..

I’d create lists in g sheets - 50-70 leads with full info and ~1000 leads showing first/last name - all other data points took people to stripe payment link..


It's better to ship something and start talking to potential subscribers..

Instead of building more features no one will ever use!

I left my 9-5 over 7 years ago

Since then I've generated millions in rev, lived all around the world and watched my kids grow up (now 3 of them)!

At the time, it was the most stressful decision of my life

As I look back- it's the best decision I've ever made 💪

New trends are distracting!

Instead of chasing shiny objects..

Improve another B2B product that’s ALREADY in the market w paying users

Find 1 consistent complaint current users/subscribers continue to complain about..

This is your quickest route to profit💰🖨️

But hey at least you shipped something 😆

🚨AMA with Chris Prucha @Chrisprucha

Chris is the cofounder @NotionHQ..

Ask your questions below and Chris will answer them!

If you’re stuck at $0 MRR..

• Add dark mode
• Build more features
• Ask friends their opinion

DO the following:
• Send 100+ emails/day
• Create content showing the value you provide
• Hangout where your subscribers hangout

Yesterday I spent a few hours..

-Buying new domains
-Setting up new emails
-Warming new emails

I haven't let things get this bad before 😭

I documented the process for a colleague to do this moving forward 💪

Rep/placement must be high for cold email to work💸

Do you want to build a product but don’t know how to start?

Find a niche -> find the leader in it.

Look at the complains for the product on g2, capterra etc and solve that 1 problem..

Best part:

You’re solving a real problem that people need a solution for💪🏻

Building a B2C product is a waste of time

Don't believe me? Check out this chargeback my friend David got for his product (I USE AND LOVE IT)

It takes the same time and effort to sell a $247/m B2B product as a $9/m or $19/m B2C product!

Prove me otherwise..

This is my monthly Stripe/banking system rant:

I’ll never understand how someone “didn’t initiate a purchase” when it’s required to input your card information and input info into SEVEN fields.
In the summer of 2022 I was stuck.

I thought the way to improve my situation was to work for someone else.

I spent hours applying to hundreds of jobs - got interviews - got 2 offers (both rescinded) and in the end never got hired.

I shifted my focus.

Scratching your own itch and being your first customer makes things A LOT easier 👀

That’s exactly what @pbteja1998 and I did 💪

Time for me to add AI and 10x my MRR 😂

#buildinpublic is almost at $15k MRR now 😅

I need to get this to $20k MRR by the end of the month... reach my completely arbitrary goal of $25k revenue in May 😬
Don't stop following up until they tell you to F OFF...

The money is in the follow-up 💪

It’s not sexy or the next Instagram…

My B2B saas costs ~$500/month to operate ($7 server, va to enrich data, va for outreach, cold email tools etc)…

I did $6564 MRR in April 👀

It’s a niche version of zoominfo for the marketing industry.

Don't make it complicated...

Ship 1 product with 1 feature that solves a BIG pain point for a business...

💸 🖨️

Took some time off this week..

Took 1 call with a prospect (Tuesday) and didn't do anything else..

Create a system, train a team and take your time back...

What's stopping you?

Government databases suck…

Hard to find, hard to use but used by A LOT of businesses…

Make this data super simple to update, search, extract and boom you have yourself a boring database SAAS..

Best of all - you CAN sell for WAY more than $9/m 😂
