Consider your target audience.

Who are you trying to reach?

What problems do they have that you can solve?

Understanding your audience is essential to choosing the right niche.

Are you struggling to stay productive?

Do you find yourself getting distracted easily?

I'll be sharing some tips and tricks to help you boost your productivity and get more done in less time :

Hi Friends !!

I haven't been active for the last 2 days.

I was clearing my mind and searching for new tips to grow my Twitter account.

And also working on a FREE Notion template to help people who want to start a business online.

What about you?

Do you have less than 300 followers?

Please introduce yourself in one sentence.πŸ‘‡

let's be Friends !!

3 things I learned in 2023:

1) You CAN’T control the future.
2) You CAN’T control the past.
3) You CAN only control the present.

What about you?

5 steps to building a successful online business:

1. Research and define your target market

2. Find a niche product or service

3. Create an attractive website

4. Market your business

5. Provide excellent customer service

8 YouTube channels both entertaining and informative:

1. Vsauce
2. TED-Ed
3. Ray Dalio
4. Ali Abdaal
5. Veritasium
6. Kurzgesagt
7. Cleo Abram
8. Mark Rober

What advice would you give to an aspiring creator?

Stop waiting for permission

Stop waiting for success

What else?

Less than 1000 followers? Introduce yourself in one sentence.

Let’s follow you right now.

People in their 20’s are making $4000 every week.

They only use AI and No-Code tools.

Here are 9 AI and No-Code tools to get you There:

Calling all entrepreneurs!πŸ“’

What's the most innovative AI tool or technology you've come across that has transformed your business?

Share your experience and let's inspire each other!

#AI #Entrepreneurship #nocode #buildinpublic
Social media marketing is like a game.

Good rules lead to good results.

Exciting rewards lead to engaged players.

So don't be afraid to break the mold and create your own advantage.

What is the best book you have ever read?

Just because you don't have a large following on social

media doesn't mean you don't have a story or wisdom to share.

Put out valuable content routinely and watch your following of audio learners start to grow.

I make $10,000+/month selling digital products.

I started 2 years ago with $0.

I'm just 21, here's exactly how I got there:

At 20, I didn't know the first thing about copywriting.

Within a year, I was making over 10k/month.

Here's my step-by-step process to get there🧡:

You can no longer blame a lack of resources for avoiding growth.

YouTube is free.

Google is free.

These are the most powerful educational tools at your disposal.

Use them wisely.

What's your favorite social media platform for promoting your business and why?

Share your insights and tips for maximizing engagement!

Most people think growing Twitter from 0 to 10k followers is impossible.

Let me prove them wrong.

My 3-step plan to transform your account:

As an entrepreneur,

how do you prioritize continuous learning?

Share your go-to resources, books, podcasts, or online

communities that have helped you stay ahead in your industry.

Let's build a knowledge-sharing hub!
