Day 85 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

After a few days of just testing and improving location sharing I have a better overview of what needs more improvement

Everything actually works quite well - I mostly need more fancy stuff like user onboarding and usage instructions
Day 84 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

I didn't "create" anything yet another day, but am still working out kinks and debugging real world usage bugs I found

It still feels like a progress though 💪
Day 83 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I declared a war against all them bugs and crashes I got from GlitchTip

I was testing only with 2 close family members on few different devices but still ended with decent backlog

I probably only covered 10% reports today 🙈
Day 82 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I added GlitchTip to Android app

I still playing a bit with SDK but now I can at least get errors and crashes from other devices

I already have a few to fix for tomorrow
Day 81 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

After some more time testing and fixing, I think I have better and more stable realtime support

Still have issues with app being killed/paused because of phone power savings especially on Samsung, but I'll leave this for some other day
Day 80 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

I am still testing realtime events for multiple devices

I thought I was done, but it needs more work and polishing

I need to add more logs and breakpoints to debug this sh*t 😅🙈
Day 79 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I refactored realtime subscriptions in app so I can accommodate subscriptions to group devices

Now app will react in realtime to group device and location create/update/delete events
Day 78 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I was debugging, testing and fixing some minor issues with latest features

As always it is mostly copy/paste code or "gonna fix it later" type of bugs

Multiple devices for both groups and users is more or less 90+% done 💪
Day 77 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I was playing with push notifications for places again

I made few adjustments and added support for new multiple devices feature and push token format
Day 76 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

I believe I am finished with majority of logic for multiple user devices

What is left for tomorrow is to adjust place notifications to send push with correct token since that is moved to separate collection
Day 75 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I started implementing multiple devices for user to store device specific data like push token

I was storing push token in user preferences in Appwrite but now I am migrating it to separate collection for better handling
Day 74 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I refactored a bit recent changes and did more testing

I also started looking into connecting user and group devices. So when session expires, same user device will be used for same device in group
Day 73 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

I added option to add a name to current device

Name can be changed in user profile and is tied to current device and session

Also devices now have predefined icon instead of custom one since it is more consistent and better in UI
Day 72 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today was a busy day for me but I persevered and managed to push myself to squeeze a little time for a challenge

I added small indicators to group members list and group devices list to show where is current user and current device
Day 71 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I added device removal functionality on server side

Devices can be removed manually but are also removed when group is delete, member is removed from the group or user account is deleted
Day 70 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

I added an option for members and group owner to remove certain devices from group in app but I still need to add that functionality on server side

As a bonus - users can also only clear location data while keeping device in a group
Day 69 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today I was polishing group device registration and fixed a few bugs I've left from yesterday

I still need to add connection with actual user device, but that will have to wait when I add user own devices to database
Day 68 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

I added logic for members to register device to a group, but I still need to handle few edge cases

I am still trying to decide what should be the behaviour when user logs out and in again - assign new device or override previous one?
Day 67 of #100DaysOfCode & #buildinpublic

Today was #JetpackCompose day

Since every group member can have multiple locations/devices I added device info to a member item

Gotta love being #AndroidDev 😅 - I am having some pretty weird UI glitches with IconButton 👇