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#opensource #buildinpublic
Our pitch: Help us catalyze our path to sustainability by becoming a founding partner!

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#BuildInPublic #PitchInPublic #opensource
We have a helpful Markdown guide on our learning website!

#opensource #BuildInPublic
All developers should work on being able to communicate effectively to where they can align with their teammates about goals and progress.

In practice for me @grey_software, this means being able to effectively using Markdown on @gitlab
@betterdev_'s video that covers using @tailwindcss grid classes gives a fantastic overview!…

I look forward to refactoring @grey_software's websites from Flexbox to CSS Grid where it makes sense.
Try Focused Browsing for Firefox or Chrome today!…

#opensource #BuildingInPublic #buildinpublic
My eyes reflexively look for recommended videos and comments, but now I see an empty canvas.

@grey_software's Focused Browsing was created to help people like me avoid feeds on LinkedIn and Twitter, but adding Youtube support has been a game-changer for me personally.