If you #buildinpublic who do you follow that inspired you on your journey? Please share 🙏
Happy Friday the 13th! Stick to your convictions. You started this journey for a reason. Don’t give up on it. And If you have, today is the perfect day to get back to work. #buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #IndieDevs #SaaS #coding
Sometimes organizing and deleting old files on my computer is the best therapy a dev can ask for. #buildinpublic #SaaS #indiehackers #IndieDevs #coding #codinglife #frontenddev #javascript
Nothing like learning something new to make you feel so incredibly dumb. Anyone else?😂 #buildinpublic #SaaS #indiedev #coding #indiehackers
As indie hackers we know the mantra “talk to your customers/potential users first”. But why am I so opposed to it? What’s the fear? Where does it come from? #indiehackers #buildinpublic #SaaS #FrontEnd #IndieDevs
Happy Monday, it’s awfully crappy out today but as cheesy as it sounds, rain or shine gotta grind 👨🏽‍💻💪🏼🤣🚀#indiedev #buildinpublic #SaaS #FrontEnd #ReactJS #javascript
I’m a frontend dev building my first app. I want to use Java for my backend because I want to use this as an opportunity to learn a new language. Is this a bad idea? #frontend #java #javascript #indiedev #buildinpublic #indiehackers
Physically taking a day off from coding, but it’s impossible to not think of the problems I’m trying to solve next. Not gonna lie I enjoy thinking about them. #buildinpublic #Saas #indiedeveloper #indiehacker #FrontEnd
MVP form validations completed. Next up onSubmit creating a record in the database. Baby steps. Would love any feedback! #buildinpublic #indiedev #SaaS
Today, instead of committing code I literally cleaned my place. Then, I did what I should have done a while ago. I created a new user profile in Chrome, added my app's relevant tools etc. as bookmarked tabs, and finally created a fresh Jira board and added tasks. #buildinpublic
Happy Friday, for anyone that needs to hear this just a friendly reminder to make room in your life to take care of your body. If that’s a short walk every day that’s better than nothing. Try it on, see how it improves your day to day. #buildinpublic #SaaS #indiedev
Working on a #reacthookform, got stuck on an uncontrolled vs. controlled component warning. @RoeseLeo came to the rescue with his very informative YouTube video on react hook forms. Thanks for saving me from potentially hours of online searching. #indiedev #SaaS #buildinpublic
Good morning, it’s gloomy and rainy here and I’m just not feeling it today. How do you get through work days when the weather matches your mood? #buildinpublic #codinglife #coding #SaaS #indiedev #indiehackers
Embarrassed to admit it but holding myself accountable. Just spent over an hour trying to figure out how to add locally hosted code to #github . Note to self: Always go to the docs before googling. #startup #buildinpublic #SaaS
Good morning to all the side hustlers hacking away before and after work while trying to also maintain any semblance of a personal/family life and juggling a full time job or two in order to live the life you want and know you can have. #buildinpublic #SaaS #indiehackers #startup
Sometimes tweeting on twitter can simply feel overwhelming. Hence this tweet. #buildinpublic #SaaS #indiehackers #Entrepreneur
No matter how many times I’ve read or heard it before, trying to build a SaaS is so much more than coding. #indiehackers #buildinpublic #solopreneur #IndieDevs #codinglife #SaaS #startup #buildinginpublic