What is worse than app downtime? Perhaps this?

Kids are now off for the summer.

Also, project features to be delayed due to extraneous reasons until September.

Stripe’s API is the IKEA of payment billing.

They make you assemble all the pieces, and then you pray you didn’t miss anything and that the table doesn’t fall apart when guests come over for dinner.

It’s been a while since I developed a Shopify app.

But @John_Speed’s incessant optimism about their ecosystem is infectious.

Shopify’s dev tooling isn’t that bad. Definitely harder than the old REST days, but learnable for even a crud dev like myself.

I wouldn't worry about people copying my work.

Fundamentally, there's really no moat in most of the stuff we see on here.

Because of this, the only barrier to entry is how good our marketing is versus the competition.

We parent indie hackers know that cage fighting isn't that tough.

Try having 3 kids.

Scope down too much and you’re left with a product that people can’t justify paying for.

Don’t forget.

Facebook was a copycat of Friendster.

TL;DR Don’t get out-executed by a copycat.

Idea💡: Perform an authorization instead of a charge.

Authorizations hold funds for up to 7 days. If a customer asks for a refund within 7 days, simply don't capture the authorized charge.

No charge = No refund (and you save on fees)
Have you done any web scraping in your work?

Shipping a new product I've been working on to help fight accidental chargebacks...

👉 Transactful

1. Hosted refund request form
2. Customer refund status tracking
3. Short vanity URL for use within CC statements

Link in the next message...

Is it just me or is generating og Twitter meta tags harder than it needs to be? 😞

(Yes, even with the online generators but Twitter doesn’t seem to be picking it up.)

T'was the night before I ship something...

What should be the order in which you create "SEO" articles for a new app website?

I'm thinking:

1. Your Docs
2. Your Guides
3. Your Product vs Others
4. Blog Posts

“I honestly don’t know if this will work.” - something we solopreneurs all say out loud or in our heads

Every launch is an experiment.

Gonna launch this week and see how the experiment goes.

What’s the other reason to put up a landing page early?

Everybody talks about validation.

But don’t forget it takes weeks-months for Google to properly index and categorize your domain.

Getting an early start here while you build is an advantage.

As a consultant, I've seen the codebases of successful startups.

100% of the time, the code that got them to become successful is ugly.

These companies wouldn't be where they are if they obsessed over flawless code.

Lesson: Embrace the imperfection and launch.

Working out the pricing on a new micro saas app.

Thinking about offering only annual and quarterly payments.

What do you all think?

The hardest part of creating something is getting people to care.

Better to reframe this: Make something that people already care about.

What is a recommended email list software provider these days?

I need to start some lead capture and it’s been awhile. Mailchimp, ConvertKit were the ones I’ve used.
