We start to build the site map with the 4 categories

Content, Audience, Interactions, Comparison.

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter
We start to build the site map with the 4 categories

Content, Audience, Interactions, Comparison.

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter
Site Map
Interaction or engagement rate
Posts/interactions comparison
Key metrics table

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter #markdatana
Site map
Interaction count by content and over time
Types of interactions by content and over time
Comments and text analysis on comments
Mentions and text analysis on mentions

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter #markdatana
Site map

Follower count over time
Location, gender, age, interests
Influencers within our audience

Text analysis of the content
Number of posts over time
Type of posts over time

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter #markdatana
Site map

Interaction or engagement rate
Posts/interactions comparison
Key metrics table

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter
Site map

Interaction count by content and over time
Types of interactions by content and over time
Comments and text analysis on comments
Mentions and text analysis on mentions

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter
Site map

Follower count over time
Influencers within our audience
Location, gender, age, interests

Text analysis of the content
Number of posts over time
Type of posts over time
#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter

-Detailed metrics to refine your strategy
-Dashboards to monitor the implementation of the strategy
-Generate reports with AI to advise

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter
Project of the weekend

Build a small application that will personally help me use twitter data to analyze and optimize my twitter
marketing strategy.

#buildinpublic #nocode #marketingtwitter
-I am currently building in public a micro-sass with AI

-It is a question of generating reporting tableau with graphs, tables, written reports from commercial information.

-With BI analysis tools such as MAX, MIN, SUM, COMPARE, etc.

#buildinpublic #nocode #100daysofnocode
-I am currently building in public a micro #SaaS with AI

-It is a question of generating reporting tableau with graphs, tables, written reports from commercial information.

-With BI analysis tools such as MAX, MIN, SUM, COMPARE, etc.

#buildinpublic #nocode #100daysofnocode
-I am currently building in public a micro-saas with AI

-It is a question of generating reporting tableau with graphs, tables, written reports from commercial information.

-With #businessintelligence analysis tools such as MAX, MIN, SUM, COMPARE, etc.

#buildinpublic #SaaS
Your prospects don't care about you.
Your prospects don't even care what you do.
Your prospects care about what you can do for them.

#buildinpublic #nocode #100daysofnocode #SaaS
Hey, I'm Fred I'm going to create an interactive e-

learning course for beginners to learn how to use

libraries like Hugging Face or #GPT3 in less than 1 hour

based on realistic scenarios.

Follow me to see the creation of the course

#buildinpublic #nocode #indiemakers
Marketing's Biggest Secret

It is that your products and services must meet or exceed the expectations created by your marketing.

#buildinpublic, #nocode #100daysofnocode
I promise you that by applying this recipe step by step You can identify AI opportunities

-Breaking down jobs into tasks
-Mapping user journeys
-Checking if AI is suitable for the task
-Checking the feasibility of using AI for the task

#buildinpublic, #nocode #100daysofnocode
Unbundling startups to target specific customer
segments with specific product needs is a great strategy.

#buildinpublic, #nocode #100daysofnocode
Build in public is a great way it allows:
-Attract attention!
-Collect feedback
-Create dynamic traffic on social networks

#buildinpublic, #nocode #100daysofnocode
Stealing traffic from quora and reddit is a really

underestimated method in SEO

#buildinpublic, #nocode #100daysofnocode #seo