Trade-offs and priorities.

If I die tomorrow, not having built a successful business is nothing I'd miss.

Can you have a 9-5 job, spend quality time with kids, exercise, build a business on the side, read books, meet with friends, travel, and have a good time with your partner?
I am looking for input on pricing: for B2B pricing on volume level, 24$ or 23.99$?

I wonder if the 99 cents still have a psychological effect in B2B.

#buildinpublic #pricing #saas
Inspired by a call with @wrede this week, I spent my Saturday morning on go-to-market strategy for @DevOpsMetricsHQ.

Even though I am onboarding at one of the most fantastic companies for developers, I am still working on @DevOpsMetricsHQ. Happy they allow it.

Did I manage to implement the backend of @DevOpsMetricsHQ in a way that it appropriately scales down to one t3a.micro instance on #aws?

Oh yes.

Already analyzing 500k pull requests per day for 8$ per month.

In the last few months, I paused #buildinpublic and my side-project @DevOpsMetricsHQ.

I am not a friend of not bringing my whole self to that party here.

So, let's talk about the Why. What happened?

(My story hopefully inspires someone to keep going. Life is beautiful.)

I am slowly reaching the end of my weeks off. Surprisingly, some beautiful unforeseen things happened in my non-Internet life.

Anyhow, I will be back in August with the #buildinpublic thingy. A repositioning will also happen, for sure. Still looking for my niche...

On your pricing page:

Do you preselect annual billing for your SaaS product by default?

I've seen that often and wonder if there is a conversion advantage in general.

Not feeling it today.

I guess that is not enough for a subscription overview page. 😅

Yearly subscriptions usage-based: Do you give a pro-rata discount or charge extra usage monthly? Would you prefer to have it applied at the next renewal or cancellation?

I am working on the layout of my weekly #buildinpublic update post - after 6 months of silence. 😅

Luckily, I took notes. So much has happened. So many new connections and people I was got to know.

First, some thoughts on the structure. I hope to finish it tomorrow.

Today I test all the edge cases end2end I can think about for the GitHub integration @DevOpsMetricsHQ

So far, no new bugs.🤗

I am also writing again. A blog post on should come soon. I probably switch to a monthly cadence, though.


I was working on some big changes that solved a lot of friction in the onboarding. First users really found many. 😅

Also, I will apply to be listed on GitHub's Marketplace soon. Another distribution channel my Mastermind group @MicroConf point me to.


I was silent the last few weeks about @DevOpsMetricsHQ - but work continued.

Finally, I am working on the subscription logic and payment parts. I mean, the easy parts come now, right?


Daily Update @DevOpsMetricsHQ

- focussed on GitHub app client migration
- famous 80% done
- surprised that Java still does not supports PKCS1 key files out of the box

Daily Update @DevOpsMetricsHQ

- monthly love 4 the systems day: updated all deps
- improved error handling in analytics code
- started the migration to GitHub app integration
- smaller UI adjustments

Daily Update @DevOpsMetricsHQ

- validated that I can move to a GitHub app instead of an OAuth integration 🤗
- defined all impl steps to feature toggle it in prod

Fri is Mastermind group day. They helped me with a tricky question for the GitHub app change. Yay!

Daily Update @DevOpsMetricsHQ

- started migrating OAuth app integration to a GitHub app
- minor operations work: investigating overall performance after yesterday's changes

Also, Thu/Fri is client work. So, that's it.

Daily Update @DevOpsMetricsHQ

- optimized analytics code: 30% smaller memory footprint
- parallelized PR analytics: 20% faster background jobs
- shrinked down VMs: saving 50% costs on EC2
- scaling down database: 80% fewer costs and similar performance

Daily Update @DevOpsMetricsHQ

- upgraded the Hugo version for the website and pinned it in CI build
- integrated roadmap on the website:
- big refactoring/renaming: cycle time to lead time, for consistency with the Accelerate book
