Added a uses case flow on landing page.
How is it?
Did a little bit redesign of landing page.
How is it?
this is how payment page of any product looks on PayLink.
Really Confused here.
Which h1 looks better?
#buildinpublic #design
Really confused here,
Which h1 looks better?
#buildinpublic #design
📢PayLink Update:
Upload your product's cover image, which will be shown on your payments interface with product description.
Looking for in depth feedback for PayLink.
Any source/platform to get beta users?
what worked for you so far.
🤔 Where to start first.
1. narrow market and then expand
2.large market and test out everything.
#buildinpublic #business
✅PayLink update:
finished integrating data charts in Payments, now you can visualize all the payments received.
⏭️next goal: smooth onboarding
PayLink update:
finishing off smooth onboarding.
continuing cold outreach.
any social media channel for payments service for customer acquisition?
Started working on Payments Dashboard for PayLink.
any design/UI suggestions?
I will start working on adding minimalistic dashboard in PayLink with some charts, analytics data.
Any resource recommendation? Reactjs.
Just crossed 📈500 visitors on landing page in 10 days but only got 20 email subscription is it too low.😥
Need some design opinion.
Which looks better?
1 or 2.
✨PayLink update:
Added some more explainers in landing page.
How it looks?
#buildinpublic #indiedev
✨PayLink update:
Just improved the landing page to to clearly display message.
Having a lot problems in adding international transaction in PayLink.
I just realized I wrote only ~20% of code and 80% was just copy pasted on my project.😅
Are we Slowly heading toward no code🤔
#buildinpublic #developers