Day 4 of building in public. No I didn’t give up, we had a baby last week on June 8th so I’ve been busy lol.

I did get some work done on June 7th before he came though and have just been waiting until he’s napping to do another update.

Day 3 of building a product to automate business workflows.

I "finished" organizations and multi-tenancy with @trpcio today. Here's how I did it. (hint: req.headers.referer)

For the self employed,
How do you manage taxes?

Do you use an automation/tools/software I should know about?

#buildinpublic #selfemployed
It's after 5pm on the east coast! Time to build. ⏲

Sell me the best .....

book or course on selling. I'm looking for the best resources. Go!

#buildinpublic #sellingcontent #Sales