As a React Native developer, I faced an issue with my app boot performance taking about 16 seconds to launch. Below are the steps I took to solve it.

#ReactNative #Expo #MobxStateTree #BootPerformance #BuildInPublic
Every app needs asynchronous buttons, so here is a code example of one ☝🏼. #reactnative #buildinpublic #expo…
Finally, I got the iOS Share Extension working! This is going to make it simple to share content with Prodtype. #buildinpublic
With Prodtype, you can share your content with the public. Content displays can be made public and shareable with anyone. These include built-in views and custom views. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Collaborate with your team by adding members to your workspace. They will get the same automation and views available to the workspace. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Use Prodtype's API to integrate content straight into your website or application. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Prodtype's example of a custom view is the flashcard view. Swipe through your content and remember it. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Prodtype reminds you to view your content. Instead of spending time adding content and never reviewing it. Get spaced reminders to revisit your content and remember it. #buildinpublic #tweet100
With Pocket, you can save a link and read the full article offline on your device. Imagine if you can do that and much more with any content. With Prodtype, you can customize the automation for any content you save. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Prodtype is customizable. You can customize how you capture your content or how you want to view it. You can use the default built-in views or customize them yourself. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Prodtype is a mobile and offline first workspace. You can quickly take notes without internet connectivity and sync once back online. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Does anyone start with sign-in, onboarding, menus, and error state handing when building their apps? 😅Probably the wrong approach, but I always feel this is the most challenging, so I like to handle it first. #buildinpublic
With Prodtype, you can quickly save content from your mobile device or laptop. The content will get saved into your workspace and trigger automation based on the content or tags. #buildinpublic #tweet100
Prodtype will solve this with a managed priority list for your todos, automation, and offline-first to make you productive. #buildinpublic #tweet100…
Notion is a great flexible wiki product, but it lacks productivity. I feel like I spend more time managing my todos or organizing my documents that I can't ever seem to find. #productivity #tweet100 #buildinpublic
Notion is a great flexible wiki product, but it lacks productivity. I feel like I spend more time managing my todos or organizing my documents that I can't ever seem to find. #productivity #tweet100 #buildinpublic
I launched the landing page for the product I want to build in public this year. The elevator pitch is "Productivity workspace that is mobile-first with custom automation and views." I'll be sharing the whole process here. 🚀 #tweet100 #buildinpublic

Example of using the #reactnative input options in a production app. #buildinpublic #expo code below 👇
I worked on the ability to share some code over the weekend. First up is the #ReactNative input options I developed last week. #buildinpublic #expo……
I implemented the options component for React Native. Next up is getting this to work with #formik. #buildinpublic #reactnative #expo
I integrated the options component with #formik and added it to the onboarding flow. Now, I need to start working on the app and share its details. 😅 #buildinpublic #reactnative #expo
I implemented the options component for React Native. Next up is getting this to work with #formik. #buildinpublic #reactnative #expo