d20 #buildinpublic

Twitter Challenges is finally launched on buidl !!! ๐Ÿš€

You will now be able to add challenges and manage posting across multiple challenges all from your buidl dashboard.

Check out buidl today โžก๏ธ
d20 #buildinpublic

Twitter Challenges is finally launched on buidl !!! ๐Ÿš€

You will now be able to add challenges and manage posting across multiple challenges all from your buidl dashboard.

Check out buidl today โžก๏ธ
d20 #buildinpublic @buidlinpublic

Twitter Challenges is finally launched on buidl !!! ๐Ÿš€

You will now be able to add challenges and manage posting across multiple challenges all from your buidl dashboard.

Check out buidl today โžก๏ธ
d20 #buildinpublic

Twitter Challenges is finally launched on buidl !!! ๐Ÿš€

You will now be able to add challenges and manage posting across multiple challenges all from your buidl dashboard.

Check out buidl today โžก๏ธ
d20 #buildinpublic @buidlinpublic

Twitter Challenges is finally launched on buidl !!! ๐Ÿš€

You will now be able to add challenges and manage posting across multiple challenges all from your buidl dashboard.

Check out buidl today โžก๏ธ
d20 #buildinpublic @buidlinpublic

Twitter Challenges is finally launched!!! ๐Ÿš€

You will now be able to add challenges and manage posting across multiple challenges all from your buidl dashboard.

Check out buidl today โžก๏ธ
d19 #buildinpublic

Twitter challenges will be live tomorrow. This feature is going to add a whole lot of value. You will be able to :
๐Ÿš€ Create public/private challenges like #buildinpublic #100Devs #100DaysOfCode
๐Ÿš€ Keep track of all challenges you're a part of
๐Ÿš€ Track popularity of public challenges/ see trending challenges
๐Ÿš€ Schedule/ draft challenge tweets
d7 #buildinpublic This is a test for challengeId thread