Who are some of your favourite creators building projects in public?

Tag some names below! πŸ‘‡
πŸ€”βš’οΈ What have you gained from building in public?

I’m going to start sharing indie projects and startups that I think are doing something special.

Share what you’ve been working on below, I’d love to take a look! πŸ‘‡

Day 11/Round 3 of #100DaysOfCode

Today I refactored to start making the code cleaner, and made a couple of minor additions:
βœ… @CodePen added to the socials section
βœ… Delete button improves UX when user adds multiple repos

Day 10/Round 3 of #100daysofcode and I added a couple extra options to

βœ… @FastAPI, @supabase and Flask added to backend/database in skills section
βœ… @Polywork added to socials section.
All thanks to user feedback!

😎 #buildinpublic
Day 8 of #100daysofcode and I set up a manual @supabase auth (the one before was using Superbase-UI).

Now I get to do the fun bit... design it to make it look even better!

I know I keep saying it but I CANNOT WAIT to launch this product! #buildinpublic
I finally launched ColorHub on @ProductHunt earlier today!

I've been working on it for a long time now so it's amazing (and scary!) to finally put it out there!

Check out this video I made, and follow @ColorHubHQ for updates and feature releases!

Day 77 of #100daysofcode and I added a new feature to RapidReports!

Now users can edit their existing reports from the 'profile' page where saved reports are shown.

It's not perfect, but the basic functionality works πŸ˜€

Day 31 of #100DaysOfCode

I'm pretty happy with how the profile page looks on RapidReports πŸ˜€

Past reports are saved to users' profiles, where they can view or edit them at a later date.

This responsive table was a nightmare to style, but worth it! 🀘

New features added to Culors! 🚨

βœ… Ability to export CSS, SCSS or Tailwind for your palette.
βœ… Copy to clipboard
βœ… Reset button
⬜️ Next I'll be adding more layouts and expanding the export function.

I'd love your feedback! 🀘

Working on a project that I’m considering turning into a SaaS, and building it in public.

Recommend me some developers that are building it in public, I’d love to ask them some questions πŸ˜€
