Building this app taught me a lot. Like using ngrok so that you don't get the network error. I used React Native, Firebase and NodeJS for this project with an AI API.

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode
Don't just create goals. Create systems.

When I heard that line everything changed. Now I don't just create goals, I create systems that help me achieve my goals.

#appdevelopment #buildinpublic
Building out the mobile app was pretty fun. Faced some challenges like network request error due to localhost not working on an android emulator. So I had to use @ngrokHQ to communicate with the backend API since it was running on localhost:8000.
So I managed to change my backend code for the background remover application. In this video I show how all you need is a URL link for an image you want to remove the background. The API accepts the link and returns a new image with all the links and metadata.

This is the user flow design. The process of the magic that is going to happen with shortening the URL.
This is how the #frontend is going to communicate with the backend and database. A long URL is sent to the server and a short URL is returned to the user after doing some magic on the #backend side.
#buildinpublic #coding

What do you think ?
Building a URL shortener web application using ReactJS, NodeJS and Firebase. The FERN stack I call it >lol<😂. Building it because I always wondered how URL shorten services work.

#buildinpublic #code
My planning phase of the BG remover project
To remove background from images

Client side ⇒
- ReactJS
- Redux & RTK
- React Router v6
- Materialize
Backend ⇒
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Firebase

Targeting the web platform.
#coding #buildinpublic
The timeline I created for the web application ‘Removy’ I am currently building. Do you also create timelines for your personal projects?

#100Devs #100DaysOfCoding #buildinpublic