My chat bot now remembers me. Used LangChain memory and @strapijs You can see the example code here👉🏼… chat history saved to DB #buildinpublic #langchain #OpenAI #LearnToCode
My chat bot now remembers me me. Used LangChain memory and @strapijs You can see the example code here👉🏼… chat history saved to DB #buildinpublic #langchain #OpenAI #LearnToCode
Finished the Open Ai Strapi powered Next JS 13 Cyberpunk Character and Story Generator. Tutorial coming soon. Intermediate Strapi backend customizations and Next App folder features. @strapijs @nextjs @OpenAI #LearnToCode #chatgpt4 #buildinpublic
So cool to see a project I am working on getting stars. If you ever wanted to try Next JS and Strapi @strapijs check this repo 👉… Remix JS version in progress. #buildinpublic #LearnToCode
I am in love with Remix, been learning past two weeks.
Tech used in this mini project @remix_run @strapijs @tailwindcss daisyUI and deployed on @Netlify and @digitalocean. #buildinpublic #learninpublic #LearnToCode
I have been diving into Remix for the past 2 weeks, today I learned how to upload an image and data to my favorite CMS. It is so cool to see how well @remix and @strapijs play together. #LearnToCode #buildinpublic #codeinpublic
Exploring Strapi JS, Next JS, Cloudinary, Apollo Client, and GraphQL. Work in progress but you can find the repo here. @strapi backend👉🏻… @nextjs frontend 👉🏻… #buildinpublic
Just deployed my "work in progress" Next JS frontend to @vercel and Strapi Backend to @digitalocean. Using Apollo Client to do both Static and Client Side Rendering.👉🏻 … @strapijs #buildinpublic
Today is the final day of @strapijs Plugin Week. Part of the process was publishing your package to NPM. If you are new to development or have never done that, this is an excellent video to watch. #learntocode #buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode
This is so cool. Check it out here 👉🏻… #learntocode #buildinpublic I love building cool things with @strapijs so can't wait to give this a try.
Just published my very first plugin to NPM. This is part of the tutorial series you can find here. 👉🏻… Keep an eye out for video describing the process coming soon. @strapijs #StrapiPluginWeek #buildinpublic #learntocode
We are having day 4 of @Strapi's Plugin Event Week. Q&A live on Twich and YouTube. Will be fun. 👉🏻 Checkout the event here… #javascript #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learntocode
Starting soon. Can register here. 👉🏻… Come build some plugins with JavaScript with us. @strapijs #learntocode #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #LiveStream
It's today. So excited. Join us for @strapi's plugin week hackathon event. Check out @malgamves's article here… #webdevelopment #hackathon #LearnToCode #buildinpublic
I am looking forwards to this. If you love Javascript and want to do something fun, then join us for the @strapi's plugin week hackathon event. Check out @malgamves's article here… #webdevelopment #hackathon #LearnToCode #buildinpublic
Was excited for my first video @strapi on getting started with plugin development. If you are looking to build something cool, why not try building a plugin. Even if you are new to coding, it's a great project to try. #LearnToCode #buildinpublic
Love reading "how to articles", just read one from @strapijs, which led me to finding this great read written by @dan_abramov👉🏻… You can find Strapi blog here #LearnToCode #LearnInPublic #BuildInPublic
Later tonight, want to chat about learning in public/build in public and how it can help new developers learn, make connections, and build experience. 👉🏼 #LearnToCode #100daysofcodechallenge #LearnInPublic #BuildInPublic