Does anybody know why I get hundreds of fake web visitors per day and how to get rid of them? Messing up our analytics. #startup #buildinpublic
Exciting news! @FallbackAi’s launch was a huge success! 🥳

Thank you to everyone who supported us and signed up for the waitlist (

We are beginning user interviews and will be rolling out the alpha in a few weeks. #sales #AI #startup #buildinpublic
This reminds me a lot of what it’s like to build a #startup.

Just because you spent 16 hours a day coding, marketing, designing.

It doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t proven users actually want it. #buildinpublic
And so it begins 🚀

Announcing in the next few weeks 🙏🏼 #buildinpublic
I tried out @bannerbearHQ today to see if I could make cold reach-outs more exciting with dynamic mockups. No code to start with but you can see how you could ramp this up and automate a lot of outreach with a personal touch! #buildinpublic
I tried out @bannerbearHQ today to see if I could make cold reach-outs more exciting with dynamic mockups. No code to start with but you can see how you could ramp this up and automate a lot of outreach with a personal touch! #buildinpublic
Agents can now share their profiles easier with downloadable QR codes 🥳 #newfeature #buildinpublic
This could be our new logo! Now to pick a font 😅 #buildinpublic
Excited to share Click Agent V2 currently hosted at

Apologies for the video cut off! Twitter doesn’t like longer videos. #buildinginpublic #buildinpublic