Just built a "related content" feature in using @bubble @pinecone and @OpenAI

Now, based on the note I'm viewing, I'll see recommendations for other notes, bookmarks, etc that might be related or relevant.

I've been working on a prototype in @bubble to explore how I could create an interesting flow for content creation in using AI

Example is a tweet creation flow, but this will be extended further

I’m going to dive deeper into AI with

Qoii is a great way to collect, connect and manage content but I want to try and push this further.

I’d like to share some rough thoughts on how I plan to move forward:

1. AI templates

I’m thinking of predefined……
Made a slight change/improvement for backlinks in Qoii

Now, you can add backlinks (reference to other content) by typing "/"

it's kinda like the command bar in notion

(also made some other boring changes under the hood to keep the app performant)

🤩 Shipped - graph view 🤩

First iteration of graph view is now available to all Qoii users.

Super cool to see content that's related (or could be but isn't yet)

Time to link everything 😎

Node graph prototype part 2:

Made some changes to my @bubble db and this became a breeze to implement

Can't wait to release this feature 🤩

Yo @bubble peeps:

- I have list of items (A to F) which I search for, each contains a list ("From" in the pic).

- How can I get a text output that looks like what I show under "To"?

I just need this in text format. Any ideas how to approach this?

Spent the day prototyping and look what I managed to do in @bubble

Here's a note connected to 2 notes in

Clicking a node, navigates to that node's content so you easily see relations and navigate them

Chrome extension update - it's working!! 🥳

I managed to get the context menu working with my @bubble app!

This makes adding content to my feed a breeze!

Still got more testing and tweaking to do but I'm really happy with how this turned out!

Day 2: progress on my chrome extension MVP 😅

What I've figured out 😎

- Show my @bubble app in an iframe

- Get @bubble talking to extension & vice versa (blue text is a thing in bubble DB)

(btw I'm building a web clipper extension for Qoii
Me: Today I’m going to build my first browser extension MVP

Also me with zero experience but in the zone:

Spent some time on my landing page today.

🤩 Shipped - Audio transcription in Qoii 🤩

If you love talking but hate typing, I've got you covered 😎

- Create a note and click "transcribe"

- Speak freely

- Stop recording to start transcription and you're done!

This is great way to create content 😍

Archive content in Qoii 🆕

Now you can declutter your feed and focus just on the content that matters most to you 💙

I have a problem with focus groups in a repeating group in @bubble

The "Pin" action works like I want it to

But the focus group can be displayed multiple times (which is not what I want)

Anybody experienced this before?

I want to clean up my Qoii feed from occasional useless content added by mistake from testing 😂

Time to build the archive feature 💪

Had no idea if it was possible to drag and drop URLs into a window and detect the URL...

Turns out you can!

A new addition to drag and drop functionality 😎

🤩 Shipped - New image layout 🤩

Refreshed the layout for displaying images, and added a cool color palette feature 🎨

(thought this would be a cool feature to get colors from images that inspire you)

🤩 Shipped - upload indicator🤩

I love uploading content to my feed, but hated not knowing if something was uploading or not.

Now that's solved ✅

I don't know how many hours I spent figuring out what I was doing wrong with @bubble api connector..

Turns out Bubble wasn't feeling it..

Setting up Postman now

(thanks @NigelGodfrey 😘)

🤩 Shipped - drag and drop for images 🤩

Users can drag and drop an image on to their feed and it'll be added automatically 👌🏞️

Supported formats:
- .png, jpeg, jpg

Next: I'll add a notification to make it obvious that something is happening in the background
