AI blog writer
Generate multiple blogs at once
No subscriptions
One-time $3.99 payment

Simple. You're welcome.

$0.69 to create multiple blog posts and even the code to generate the tool


Yes, I made a tool that replaces a tool that I can pay for.

Tell me you're a founder without telling me you're a founder.

(This one writes and outputs multiple blog posts at once using whichever OpenAI model you want)

Email marketing campaign results

Expected conversion rate (to paid): 0.1%
Real conversion rate (so far 600/10,000 contacted): 0.32%

It’s great to be a small YouTube creator now

The algorithm seem to have changed ~2 months ago

It serves/recommends videos from small channels more often

Is YouTube a part of your marketing strategy?

Share a link below 👇🏼

Who are the Canadian founders/indie hackers here?

Drop your name and a link

Self promotion 👌🏼

Are you testing/trying out ads for your projects?

Be sure to turn off auto-applied recommendations, otherwise your changes might get undone by Google

(But more of a NTS)

Time spent with family instead of growing SwiftAds is NOT time wasted

New tutorial video incoming...

Which thumbnail caught your attention?

A)----------------------- B)-----------------------

A long-term growth strategy for SwiftAds is creating videos.
SwiftAds is “sponsoring” my tutorial videos and podcasts.

Check out my latest tutorial video on using GPT4 to create multiple blog posts at once.

Anyone interested in doing an invite-only weekly founders helping founders chat?

Bring each of our skills, expertise, and experience together to raise each other up?

Basically taking the concept of a Twitter Space that I used to host and moving it off Twitter

#buildinpublic update

Been focused on content & improving SEO for SwiftAds since Nov.
A constant struggle of mine is writing & publishing blogs.

So I hacked this together to publish blogs in bulk.

Sharing it with the rest of the community.
FREE to use.
I have a Google Sheet that write prompts for blog posts based on a list of target SEO keywords

GPT4 just wrote me a script that exports each of these prompts into its own Google Docs file

Going to create content at scale for SwiftAds

AMA 👇🏼

Launched a redesign of the website
Tell me what you think and help me find broken link?

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic
I've been building for a while now

One of the biggest lessons I learned is that idea validation is just as important for investors as it is for customers

How do you position your business/story to be "invest-able"?
SwiftAds isn't just about advertising.

Rebranding coming imminently...

Need to start marketing?

Start with SwiftAds.

Boost your SEO on the directory if you're not ready for ads:

Create ads automatically and start quickly if you are:

Build backlinks and boost your #SEO.

Earn a free back link just by listing on the SwiftAds directory.

Do you have a backlink strategy?
Listing on directories is a great way to get started.

SwiftAds isn't just about advertising. You can boost your #SEO with a directory listing.

Onboarding close to 300 small businesses onto SwiftAds this week.
