Just updated the @DashboardQ_com design (DashboardQ is used as the main billing and login account for all my apps).

It still needs a lot more work but I think it is a step in the right direction. New design is on the left and old design is on the right.

It's been a while since I've had to use XML and HTML Purifier in PHP. The FeedRiv RSS reader is requiring me to brush up on some old skills.

Next step for FeedRiv is to figure out the data structures for the database. I find it helpful to build out the design first because it makes it easier to figure out the way the data will be used. #BuildInPublic

You can see the decisions I made here:…
Style The HTML Using CSS

The next step in the FeedRiv project after creating the HTML is setting up the styling. I use TACE development so I keep the CSS separate from the HTML. It makes it easy to change the styling in the future. #BuildInPublic…
Still working through the design for FeedRiv. I haven't been able to spend as much time on it as I'd like but I'm hoping to use the design as the base for other projects going forward.

I'm going to need to start releasing 2 startups a month to complete the #12in12 #BuildInPublic
After drawing out everything on paper, the next step I take is creating the HTML using fake data. The initial results will look really ugly, but the goal is to get the structure of the HTML built out.
When building a web app like FeedRiv, the 1st step I like to take is to draw it out on paper. Paper lets you work through a lot of problems and helps the actual development go quicker and smoother.

Here are the messy drawings for FeedRiv.
Finding out your username creation code is broken from a potential client you convinced to try your service is a great way to end your evening. The joys of early startup days...or should I say startup nights.😒

At least it is all fixed now!😀

@rinneganistaken Main focus is building (and keeping freelance clients happy). Plan was to #BuildInPublic.

I'm pivoting a little bit and focusing more on being active on Twitter. After I finish the 12 in 12 next summer, I should have solid products that I can then spend full time marketing.
Finally getting a chance to clean up some bugs in my DashboardQ centralized login system.

My Twitter tool has gone through multiple name changes during development. Working on switching over to a new name one more time.

Doing some final checks on Startup #2 and find out that Chrome decided my site is dangerous. It tells me "This site is dangerous" and I have to click through a big red warning page to see the site.

Working on figuring out how to get this removed. This is fun.😕

Due to Twitter API restrictions, I'm having to put in "View Credits" for users and limit the total amount of tweets a user can view. I'm hoping to have the "View Credit" system wrapped up by the end of this weekend.

Working through the billing restriction JS for my Twitter tool. It's not needed since it's also handled server side but I think the small things like client side notification helps. There's always a balancing act between "nice-to-haves" and launching.

Building out the restriction system for Startup 2, a Twitter tool. It always takes some work to think through the access levels available to users.

Finished up the initial public marketing pages for Startup #2 today. The last major step is building the integrations to the billing system.

@finereli I've never thought about #BuildInPublic in that way before but you are right. It has ties to building mockups and getting commitment and reciprocity.
The @NumbersQ_com open source code has now been released. You can view it on Github:

#BuildInPublic #12s12m…
@NumbersQ_com is now fully synced with the open source code. I'll be promoting the open source code later this week.

I don't have any paid users for @NumbersQ_com but it's funny how nervous I am to push a major update that could break things in preparation for the open source code release.
