Javascript: Day 74 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to create a method on an object @freeCodeCamp. Pull out all the stops :) #JavaScript #100Devs #CodeNewbie #buildinpublic
Javascript: Day 73 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to create basic Javascript objects using object oriented programming @freeCodeCamp. Took a break, I'm back :) #CodeNewbie #coding #buildinpublic #javascript
Javascript: Day 68-69 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to return the largest number in an array @freeCodeCamp. Unstoppable!!!! #buildinpublic #100Devs #CodeNewbie #javascript
Javascript: Day 67 of #100DaysOfCode

Started algorithm scripting and learnt how to convert celsius to Fahrenheit and back @freeCodeCamp. Crowd goes wild!!! #buildinpublic #coding #CodeNewbie #javascript #100Devs
Javascript: Day 65-66 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to access property names with bracket notation @freeCodeCamp. Down the hole!!!!
#100Devs #buildinpublic #javascript
Javascript: Day 64 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to iterate through the keys of an object with a for--in-- statement @freeCodeCamp. Cool beans!!!! #100Devs #buildinpublic #coding #CodeNewbie #javascript
Javascript: Day 63 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to modify an object nested in an object @freeCodeCamp. Unstoppable!!!!!
#100Devs #javascript #CodeNewbie
#buildinpublic #coding
Javascript: Day 62 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to add key value pairs to Javascript objects @freeCodeCamp. Nothing but net!!! #javascript #code #buildinpublic #coding
Javascript: Day 61 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to iterate through all an arrays items using for loops @freeCodeCamp. There is no spoon!!!! #buildinpublic #code #CodeNewbie #javascript
Javascript: Day 60 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to combine arrays with the spread operator @freeCodeCamp. The world rejoices!!! #100Devs #CodeNewbie #buildinpublic #code #javascript
Javascript: Day 58 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to add items to an array using push and I shift @freeCodeCamp. Legen- wait for it - dary!!! #buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #coding #javascript #100Devs
Javascript: Day 57 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to use an array to score a collection of data @freeCodeCamp.
Cranked it up to 11!! #CodeNewbie #javascript #buildinpublic #coding
Javascript: Day 56 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to catch mixed usage of fixed and double quotes @freeCodeCamp. Crowd goes wild!!
#100Devs #buildinpublic #code #CodeNewbie #javascript
Javascript: Day 55 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to use caution when reinitializing variables inside a loop @freeCodeCamp. That's the way it's done!!! #100Devs #buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #coding #javascript
Javascript: Day 54 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to catch arguments passed in the wrong order when calling a function @freeCodeCamp
Crowd goes wild!!! #buildinpublic #100Devs #coding #CodeNewbie
Javascript: Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to catch use of assignment operators instead of equality operators @freeCodeCamp.
I've got this!!!! #buildinpublic #coding #javascript #CodeNewbie
Javascript: Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to use typeof to check the type of a variable @freeCodeCamp. To Infinity and beyond!!!. #buildinpublic #javascript #coding #CodeNewbie
Javascript: Day 51 of #100DaysOfCode

Started Debugging and learnt the diffenced between consoles @freeCodeCamp. It's Alive :)
#buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #javascript #coding
Javascript: Day 50 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to match ending string patterns using regular expressions @freeCodeCamp. Halfway through :)
#coding #buildinpublic #javascript