Starting another little project. Is Redux still the way to manage state in a React frontend? #BuildInPublic #ReactJS #redux #development traffic update. @Cloudflare keeps showing me about 20 unique visitors everday. Is that some sort of internal ping from Cloudflare or bots that are visiting the website? How do I find out if these are real users and add engagement? #buildinpublic #SQL
Sometimes parenting takes it toll on us parents. Right from waking up early for school to games to story time and all the tantrums in between can feel like a clockwork at times. Love that kids give makes up for it and more but man some days are hard! #parenting #buildinpublic
Though is not a big hit yet, I still feel great as I was able to ship an e2e product. Learning JS, react, Semantic UI from scratch, deploying on AWS, Firebase and Cloudflare - will it help if I publish journey as a backend dev starting up? #buildinpublic
Now that has been released in the wild Iโ€™m already getting excited to jump on the web3 train ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„. Got to focus on the marketing duhh! #buildinpublic traffic update: Got a bump in unique visitors after I engaged on a few twitter threads. Plan to continue engaging more on different channels and also add more lessons and yeah, add the pricing page. Onwards ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€. #buildinpublic #SQL traffic update: slowing number of unique visitors and total traffic. humbling realization that devs gotta do marketing. #buildinpublic #SQL
React Stripe Help please - Any good resource/blog for react stripe integration? Sort of a frontend noob and donโ€™t want to make mistakes with payment processing. #buildinpublic #ReactJS #Stripe #webdev
Any good resource/blog for react stripe integration? Sort of a frontend noob and donโ€™t want to make mistakes with payment processing. #buildinpublic traffic update - continue to see unique visitors but NO registrations yet. I delayed the MVP at least a week to get the registration flow right ๐Ÿ˜‚There is no incentive to register though. Ideas for marketing the site? #buildinpublic #SQL traffic update. 60 unique visitors today.๐Ÿ˜€ "Marketing" -> Twitter and Reddit learnSQL channel. Stats from Cloudflare. Taking today off to celebrate unique visitors lol! #buildinpublic #SQL #DataScience
MVP Release time: Learn SQL interactively at Honest feedback pls. Learnt react from scratch with help from Twitter community (including moral support). I was about to give up midway but You folks kept me going! #buildinpublic #SQL #DataScience
Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions: Any good resources for generating Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions for a small startup? Anything specific to keep in mind? #BuildInPublic #startuplife
Help please! I am a few hours away from releasing an MVP. Do I need to add a privacy policy and terms of use if Iโ€™m allowing people to register with their email? I do plan to send them email when I have a paid plan. How do I write the polciy and TOU? #buildinpublic
Update on BloomSQL. Made some good progress on Lessons flow. If I can spend 3 full days on it I might be able to ship an MVP. Onwards!! #buildinpublic #SQL
So looks like there are already a few interactive SQL tutors online. What should I do - abandon my idea? No way! I am 50% done and this is my first time building an e2e product. Will ship it!! #buildinpublic #SQL
With hashtags this time- whatโ€™s a good way for a beginner frontend engg. to add blogs to a react website? Too many options - gatsby, nextjs that are not simple. Iโ€™d love github pages with a CNAME but reading thatโ€™s not good for SEO? Help please!! #ReactJS #buildinpublic
Got firebase JWT token validation working at my backend. Got an ok UI going that now talks to my backend and pulls in data (huh!! That was a big one for this novice frontend guy!). If I push hard, the first version of BloomSQL might be out by end of next week. #buildinpublic
Fro backend, there are many open source projects one can look at to understand common standards for the language/frameworks. Are there similar ones for frontend. Say Pure javascript or Reactjs? #javascript #ReactJS #buildinpublic