@ImTranslator #chromeextension has over 900k active users. 🤯

It doesn't have any innovative translation tool to differenciete from the rest. So, why 900k users?
Simple... It's been around for more than 10 years.

#javascript #webdevelopment #buildinpublic
The translation extension space needs a new player. Something new, innovative, seamless integrated with your day to day tasks. It's almost here! 💨💨

#chromeextension #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #javascript
There's a big need for a website about the #browserextension market. I can't think of a remarkable one.

#chromeextension #javascript #webdevelopment #buildinpublic
@heyeaslo The one I'm working on!

I'll be #buildinpublic, sharing all I can!

2022 target: 50k users! 🤯

Will I make it? Follow me and find out.