So, github for marketers is ready. 🥳

- built using @NotionHQ
- It is in the MVP stage
- ready to use

Hey marketers, time to use it.
You'll like it.

Link -…

If everything goes fine, I will ship the 'github for marketers' today.

Hey marketers, stay tuned.

The best part is that I am building the MVP on Notion.

Till then, you can suggest a name for it :)


Back at building my brain child.

Github for marketers.

Do you know what is github for marketers?

Now you know that I wasn't kidding.

I am building it.

Will make it public very soon and we will use it and build it together.

Hello to all the marketers.

Done with the MVP, automated processes @HiredCo
Time for making way into the market.
Hired Co aims to solve the hiring problems for startups
I have been talking to content creators and other individuals working on their personal brands and I got real insights.
Join me on my journey as I #buildinpublic @inicheate