Now managed to get the first repeating groups working and responsive on @bubble for tiplister. Did not manage without html, which is regrettable for beginners but worked in the end. #nocode #buildinpublic Soon everyone can submit tips to tiplister and find them easily.
Just converted a complicated container from old to new responsive engine. Adjustments took 60 minutes. Faster than starting from scratch. Deleted around 10 groups and changed around 100 margins that were uneven numbers. Best feature: Make last #buildinpublic #bubble #nocode.
Now got the new signup group finished including some fun placeholders. #bubble #nocode #buildinpublic.
Did my first hero group on new responsive for tiplister. Starting to get the hang of it. Much more logic than old responsive. #bubble #nocode #buildinpublic.…
Made my first header in the new responsive engine. Mobile:
#nocode #bubble #buildinpublic
Finished Twitter API stuff and 3 long tutorials learning about new responsive editor. Lets add the learnings to tiplister. #buildinpublic #NoCode
Woohoo just managed to use Twitter API to get a connected Twitter accounts' last 1k tweets; 50 a time.
Used pagination and custom events. #nocode #bubble #buildinpublic