Adding new rewards ✅

Managing rewards is now fully working! 🎁

Finally making some good progress again. Stripe integration had slowed me down a bit, but I will focus on that at a later stage.

For the first time ever, I've been able to push updates every single day. Can't believe the amount of progress I've made in my product(s).

Will try to keep the momentum going in April 🚀

Last day of the month!

Did you reach all your goals for this month?

I didn't:
- finish the MVP ❌
- start with cold outreach ❌

But I did:
- finish landing page for
- register my company ✅
- added a lot of features needed for MVP ✅

Hey Indie Hackers! It's the first day of March, what are your plans this month?

Here are mine:
* Finalize landing page for
* Marketing
- Cold outreach to target audience
- Share landing page to target public
* Finish MVP

Big month ahead, let's go💪
Finally finished my company website.. switched DNS settings. Let's hope things get propagated correctly now. Still a bit of a black box for me.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow whether it's working or not.

Hopefully the focus can be on the product again tomorrow

I'm not the best copywriter, far from even. No earlier experience.

Can you take a look at and roast my copy? 🔥

Would love to improve it before I reach out to potential customers

#impostersyndrome #buildinpublic
Bank account set up ✅
Continued implementing Stripe ✅
Registration flow updated ⛔ (changed idea on subscribing)
Leaderboard ❌

Read about per seat subscriptions ✅
Updated user management ✅
Updated RLS in Supabase ✅

Productive day! 👌

How was yours?

Busy day today, setting up my business bank account, continue implementing Stripe into my product, updating registration flow and if time left update the leaderboard.

Oh yeah, also work 8 hours on my full-time job 😅

What are you working on?

Good morning legends! 👋
My plan was to work on implementing stripe, but I'm already spending an hour revamping the user context within my app. This will save me a lot of development time while developing MVP, so it has to happen. But the fun part, implementing Stripe, will have to wait.

Profile update working ✅ (first name and last name for now, will add more later)

Now out for lunch with the family.

With the help of @stojaaan I was able to get the subject translated as well. Based on the user's language @supabase now sends out the emails in the correct language 💪🏼 (in this case Dutch)

Nice win this Sunday morning!

That's it. I call it a day for today (now it's time for family).
Really happy about the progress I've made.

Give recognition functionality ✅
Company links in menu✅
Company setting page✅

See the tweet below for more details.

Busy morning tomorrow 💪

Ready to make some great progress on Emotmo! 🚀

Busy morning tomorrow 💪

Ready to make some great progress on Emotmo! 🚀

Productive evening! 💪🏼

👋🏼Added styling to invite users process ✅
🔒 Fixed RLS issues ✅
🔍 Search is now working with actual data ✅

Making progress! 🚀

#buildinpublic #SaaS
My invitation email and confirmation email sent by Supabase are now based on the language of the user. Only thing I can't change is the subject of the email, but it will do for now.

Anyone that knows how to change that? Love to hear it.

Not much work on Emotmo done tonight. Instead, focused on my company website. I want to set up a bare minimum website, which mentions Emotmo as product. An about page and a contact form. Nearly there 😅

Hopefully launching tomorrow / Thursday 🚀

Dev tip:
Instead of creating your own dummy data arrays, just ask ChatGPT to do it for you. I needed an array with dummy users, id, name and job title and within seconds I got a complete list ready to use in my application.

#buildinpublic #ChatGPT
Not really productive, pretty hard to concentrate without sleep, but managed to update the dashboard a bit.

Obviously the side components need to be filled, but the layout is getting together nicely.

What do you think?

Little work today on Emotmo.
Am working at the office today, so had to leave a bit early from home, no work during lunch break and right after work.

Will be doing some non-code stuff today though. Progress is progress 💪

What will you be doing today?

Good morning fellow indie hackers!

Had a good night rest, ready for the day.

Will work on the layout of the index page. Had set it up before, but too much has changed in the way I look at the product.

What will you be focusing on today?

Implemented the waiting list confirmation email ✅

I generated the text with ChatGPT, what's your opinion on the text? Missing anything?
