Always remember there is a guy making $8000 MRR with a timer app for presentations... most ideas can work if executed properly...
As indie hackers, do you use social media ads to bring traffic to your projects?
Won't lie, this is looking cool...Still a work in progress...
When you see your #Saas being used in the wild... very few feelings in life compare to this!!
@DmytroKrasun Was wondering because most people tend to share MRR in the #buildinpublic spaces. I can't think of one time when I saw a share of MRR, profit and overheads... I guess some of that stuff is a bit personal to people so I understand that...
Simple question, but why are most indiehackers posting their MRR (Monthly reoccurring revenue)
Wouldn't Monthly reoccurring profit be a better metric to show the success of a product?
Sometimes being a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect may be positive, if I knew how hard this #startup #SaaS work would be, I may never have started. Thank goodness for my ignorance 🤪
Doing full-stack work, you sometimes only work on front-end after quite a while hacking away at the back end but every time I return to using @figma for my prototypes I am super impressed with the amazing product they built!