If you have a brand account on social media...

And it's not active at all...

Is it helping your brand or hurting it?

Sometimes you get so deep into your own product, it becomes tough to explain your work to outsiders!

Trying out a new line in sales:

"We create and post all your social media content for $49/month. That's it.

Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter."

Not really sure what the future of Forrest is at the moment

The world is changing fast

And that's exciting! We'll keep being valuable to users and see where that takes us

Forrest (automated social media presence that creates content and posts for you) is rolling out new image styles, to better align with brands!

Product update weeks are always great.

Building a startup is like growing a tree.

Super delicate at first. Lots could go wrong.

But once your foundation is set, the sky is the limit.

Never give up!

Forrest finally chose a niche (I think)!

B2C brands

1. Need an active social media (Why? Customer support, engagement, brand awareness, SEO ranking)
2. Often believe agencies are too expensive
3. Content well suited to automation


Find your niche (still on this step!!), build a solid team, and remain authentic to your brand.

What's your unique value proposition?

Founders are the most innovative people in the world.


1️⃣ They are excellent problem solvers
2️⃣ They embrace failure as a learning opportunity
3️⃣ They have a strong sense of vision
4️⃣ They are relentlessly hardworking
5️⃣ They have the courage to take risks

Sunday is my favorite day of the week, I don't really get "Sunday scaries" as a founder.

Do you?

What are some ways you've used social media to grow your business?

The best way to understand your customer is by seeing how they behave.

The easiest place to see that behavior?

Social media.

Bare minimum checklists for a new business:

- Product
- Website
- Social Media
- Payments

Spent a few hours on growth, got +$200 in MRR.


1) An automated social media presence is more reliable than many SMM's

2) People want it "done for them"--So we now post content for people if they want

3) I think I need to devote more time to Forrest

Several billion people spend their time on social media everyday.

Some of them are probably your customers.

It's an amazing growth channel.

Wild fact:

80% of customers expect you to be active on social media.

What can you do?

📈 Make sure they know you're available by showing up

It's not the smartest or most clever that win.

It's the most resilient.

This world would have zero companies if every founder quit when things got tough.

The benefits of perseverance are all around you.

#buildinpublic #MondayMotivation
The secret to success:

- Work hard
- Set realistic targets
- Stay focused and organized
- Learn from your mistakes
- Don't give up! (This is the most important)
