Revenue can be increased by 15% by localizing receipt currencies #buildinpublic
Shoot me at DM, if you need this, I will sent everyone within 24Hr
#buildinpublic #SaaStech #SaaSRevolution #startups #PLG
We reached $1 million revenue after launching our product about 18 months ago #buildinpublic #startups
HEY FOUNDERS!What should you focus on when your startup reaches 50 people? #startupidea #startup #buildinpublic
Do you want more organic traffic? Use some SEO techniques to build tools and gadgets around your core product!… make small tools like this, which will bring in an insane amount of traffic
#buildinpublic #SaaS #startups
Notta achieved 10X MRR growth in the last year
And only for Japanese users, I will share how to launch the product in Japan later
26 Oct, over 252,016 registered users, over 4,000 continuous subscribers, and 10% churn rate. Overall revenue has reached $60,000.
🥳Launched on PH
🥎released extension on Chrome target market is Japan. This time last year we had a sudden spike in traffic in Japan and thought we were being attacked by traffic, but later found out that our product had been covered by a Japanese TV programme
We thought that users could have a meeting without leaving airgram.
But after a few rounds of user tests we found this to be very challenging for users, so we adjusted our product strategy to allow users to use their own work tool habits.
#buildinpublic #SaaS #startups