Are you a dev who streams on @Twitch?
I'm making a way to help grow your audience!

It's as simple as:
1. Sign up
2. Enter your Twitch handle
3. Select videos to add

Built with @supabase, @remix_run, and lots of ❤️
#buildinpublic #softwaredevelopment
✨ First version of Progress is all done

🏠 This is a homebase for #buildinpublic
🎥 Link your @Twitch, add your dev stream and videos
📺 Watch how modern software projects are built

Built with @remix_run @supabase @chakra_ui @Netlify and open source!
Creating a #buildinpublic stream sharer w/ @remix_run! Step 1 in the process is complete.

1. ✅ Easily link your @Twitch account. (useTransition hook 👌)
2. Select your dev Twitch videos
3. Add tags of your project stack (e.g. Remix, @prisma...)
4. Post to the homepage!
It's crucial to build an audience for your project as early as possible to achieve product-market fit. But, it's hard to build and market a bootstrapped project simultaneously.

💡 What if it were easier..?


#buildinpublic #startup #creative