Ok, it's time to do some stuff on a personal project πŸ™‚

I plan to:
- Add a couple new blocks to the editor
- Fix some loose ends in the layout

And if I have time, I will do something my heart will tell me to do πŸ˜…

Most of the time, I build projects from an FE-only core app and then expand it to use BE, add some user profile pages, and other non-core thingies.

How do you prefer to develop? πŸ™‚

Something tells me that if you work on your project for only two hours per day, it is not the wisest decision to draw all the icons by hand πŸ˜…

I will wait for the weekend.

Today I spent my two hours mostly figuring out how to work with Slate.js.

I prettified to-do items and the new block modal a bit and made add new block modal to appear at the slash position.

Tomorrow I plan to add more blocks and work on a sidebar πŸ™‚

Here's what my very first drafts look like πŸ™‚ I usually start with a b&w, then select a "main brand" color (of course, if I go with a bigger project, then choosing this color is the whole process by itself).

Then I iterate a couple of times to find a look I like

I don't know how, but in this hour and a half, I managed to:

βœ… Connect notes to a backend, so they are saved now
βœ… Add a context menu
βœ… Add a modal component
βœ… Play with Slate.js more and add a "todo" block

Design tweaks will follow, and I need to sleep πŸ˜‚

Slept only around 5 hours today and got very tired writing code for my 9-to-5 project.

Going to work a bit on a pet project now, but I am not sure I could do anything huge. I plan to connect notes to a backend, and probably that would be it for today πŸ₯±

Scheduling tweets is the best for those who need to catch the wave or be in the mood for writing those.

For #buildinpublic, when you have only a couple of hours to work on your project each day, it is a lifesaver.
Usually, when I get into building a new product, I use Apple notes to brainstorm features that can be added to it.

Then I do some draft wireframes in Figma and transform the note into defined tasks ready to start building.

After two hours, here's what I got. Added Supabase auth, made a basic layout for a Notes section, and integrated Slate with a Notion-like blocks hover menu. I can create new notes, which go into the tree structure in the left sidebar.

Starting my first two hours on a new productπŸ™‚

I plan to do some initial setup, routing, and probably will have some time to add slate.js

I plan to use Lerna, React, SASS, and JS instead of TS this time. Will start with Supabase, but perhaps switch from it later

So, I reflected a bit about where I personally struggled as a solo founder and decided to make a micro SaaS targeted at us, fellow founders. I want to have everything you need to start and work on a project gathered in one place to #buildinpublic πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡
I just love doing random prototypes to test some ideas, especially when they can help not only you but your whole team in the future. There is so much beauty in those poorly designed gray-colored creations πŸ˜…
Tiny update: I added an ability to search and add a link to a page to the canvas with this yet-not-fancy search box.

Also, I failed to add zoom-to-cursor behavior. So tired from my main job that basic math is not with me anymore. Feel pretty ashamed tbh πŸ˜…

I continue playing around with my next product. Today I have explored some low-code integration possibilities (currently with a very basic data UI).

The data is collaborative by design, so changing something in it will be visible to all users.

Today I added a rich text editor. At last, I wrote "Todo" and "Done" in the app.

Soon, very soon, I will need to go into branding πŸ˜…

Slowly but surely, everything starts to get in shape. Or should I say color? πŸ™‚

I started to track what should be done for my new product in the product itself. Dogfooding your product so early is eye-opening. The features and UI/UX things just beg to be added.

More progress! Added interactive widgets that work collaboratively β€” the "counter" widget state is shared between all application instances. Also added a possibility to embed stuff.

Also, made some context menus and other tweaks.

I made more progress on my still unnamed pet project: image widget, multiselection, and dragging multiple selected widgets.

I plan to play with some additional things to test a few ideas before fully going into all the branding and positioning stuff.
