Alright, SoccerTeam is ready to test the waters out there in the "real-world" 👀

Good morning @bubble peeps! 👋

Been dabbling in the dashboard world this morning

it ain't much but is honest work 😄

Along with building the SoccerTeam platform will also focus on building mini-tools to help generate awareness

Mini-tool #1 - Collection of soccer videos from some of the legends in the sport

Did anybody ask for team events? Me 🙋🏽‍♂️

✅ Team Events
✅ Game Attendance Tracking
🏗 Send event reminders to players (in-progress)

#buildinpublic #bubble
Tinkering with a new logo for TinyBuild

Testing on different backgrounds helps me visualize how it looks on different themes 🧐

@bubble peeps - need some help

Please nominate the best looking Bubble apps you have seen (and yes built by you too 😄)

I will showcase them in a design guide I am launching soon for our community

When I rest from NoCode, I do automation

Feels dirty, but hey, I get the data I need 😁

#automate #buildinpublic
Sneak peek where the focus is more towards building a digital store than a menu

I see too many Latin restaurants without any digital presence. Let's change that 🚀

Saturday mornings have become wireframe mornings. And how to make my product even simpler.

Pump to see this 🐶 live for Comidafy

Not all Comidafy customers are equal

From a simple contact page to a fully-featured site to showcase all about their food business, Comidafy needs to be modular enough to scale with them.

Some ideas on how I will solve this

#buildinpublic #figma
I can say things are going well in my @bubble world

Before and after 🔥

Taking Comidafy to the next level


This is too mehhh 👇
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Edit Categories/Products

Value 🧠
After creating your categories and products, users have the ability to edit them.

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Social Media

Value 🧠
Many food businesses have a social presence so this will allow them to add their social media links to their menu

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥

Value 🧠
Users can easily select a theme that works best for their menu and brand.

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Food Variations

Value 🧠
Allows the user to configure different prices for the same product

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Enable/Disable Food Preview

Value 🧠
Just like the ordering feature, the user has the ability to disable food pictures. Many users don't have food pics so this will allow them at least to have a menu with food titles.

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Enable/Disable Ordering

Value 🧠
Many times users just need a way to display their food items so this gives them flexibility.

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Save Menu via Email

Value 🧠
Allow users to play around with the menu creation tool without registration (less friction). They can save the menu with their email which will also create an account.

#buildinpublic #nocode
Comidafy Build Series

Feature 🔥
Order Page

Value 🧠
Easy. If are going to take orders then you better have a page to view them all.

#buildinpublic #nocode