Day 7 of #buildinpublic

After months & months of curating xaas data on my @GoogleKeep , I decided to create a skeleton of @xaasr_ trend reports.

This has honestly taken me weeks and I'm yet far from having anything constructive😪

The format is inspired by yours truly @DruRly
Day 5:

Used @coolors_co for color palette ideas and @lazymau's palette maker to visualize the colour scheme.

Next up, the XaaSr logo😃

#twitterdaily #buildinpublic #Maker
Day 4:

Been using Mailchimp for my previous projects, but @MailerLite has been enticing me of late.

Time to give it a try for the sales emails and newsletter.

#buildinpublic #nocode #XaaS #makerlog
Day 3:

My search for a good #Wordpress sorting and filtering plugin yielded no fruits.

So I settled on @airtable for the directory.

#buildinpublic #NoCode #xaas #makers
Hey makers and #NoCode builders, what #WordPress plugin or tool do you use for waitlists?

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode