In September, @Premast_co will mark 5 years and I thought I want to share with you the lessons I learned during the process in this thread.
So, let's start Five I learned in 5 (Prt1)
#startup #buildinpublic
I just release the first release of the creative editor plugin for @bubble on ProductHunt, appreciate your feedback and support…

#NoCode #buildinpublic
for the last 2 months, I enjoyed working on this special plugin on
to enable all bubble developers to build a graphic editor within your bubble app in the easiest way,
Pretty happy with the result 😍
#buildinpublic #NoCode
for the last 2 months, I enjoyed working on this special plugin on @bubble to enable all bubble developers to build a graphic editor within your bubble app in the easiest way,
Pretty happy with the result 😍
#buildinpublic #NoCode