Day 78 of #tweet100 - Time to start transforming Archetype Marketing into the B2B SaaS solution I originally envisioned.

This is the week I start making the transition...

Day 84 of #100DaysofNoCode Almost to 100% success... About 50 more times and I'll be ready to put it out there.
[In the meantime, I know I need to simplify my Airtable base and stop trying to turn rows into columns...]
It's a miracle in heaven... The B2C portion of my app is finished! Just a few more pages and tweaks... One more session with Cole Fortman and I should have the agency/consultant portal up and running! ❤️🎉💪

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
When you've fallen down the rabbit hole, but are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...

Sneak peek of my 2.0 Version of Archetype Marketing.
#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
Sneak Peek of my Version 2.0 walkthrough
#ODNC3 #buildinpublic

[I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to many for helping me get this far including @CourtneyBaker, Frances at @thenotionbar, @bhanuv3 among others.]
Sometimes you have to strike while the iron is hot and take action before 100% ready... Had an opportunity to learn Quizitri question branching REAL quick to take advantage of their offer for a free FB ad.
Curious? Quiz link in comments.
Day 43 of #100DaysOfNoCode

I finally replaced my Wordpress site with a Wait-list site using @softr_io for my upcoming app - Archetype Marketing.

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
Looking for a new read? @davegerhardt's new book FOUNDER BRAND is out and on sale today! Available on Amazon…
This will be great for my fellow #ODNC3 cohort to #buildinpublic
I was inspired by @RajatRaj86's incredible landing page for Immersica to rebuild my app in Softr. It took a while, but I'm getting the hang of it. Thank you, Rajat!
#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
Day 18 of #100DaysOfNoCode

When you have to remind yourself that Rome wasn't built in a day and most worthwhile endeavors are created through small steps that compound over time.

[Airtable gallery view to document progress linked to Project Roadmap by status.]
What's your favorite way of collecting feedback and data for your product or service?

[So excited, I just subscribed to Voiceform, so I can collect qualitative data at scale... I'm hoping they'll join On Deck as a perk very soon.]

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
Day 12 of #100DaysOfNoCode

A product roadmap and project tracker for improvement recommendations built in @coda_hq - super cool!

A good reminder that Rome wasn't built in a day and I can take 1 step at a time. 💙

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
Just minted my first audio NFT... I can't wait to release my entire composition catalog in this new format. :)

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
#audionft #audionfts
I just minted my first audio NFT at thanks to my friend, @Gokul_Madan. I'll be releasing my composition catalog in this new format.
#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
Day10 of #100DaysOfNoCode

Today I built out a product design wiki in @notionhq 😍!
(using an amazing template by DesignerUp that's worth EVERY penny.)
Check it out 👇

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
For everyone in the arena...

[I'm personally making the transition from 'doer of deeds' for others as a consultant to 'putting it out there' on a grander scale.]

What is the arena for you?

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
When you find just the right word to describe your experience...

I am thrilled, honored, and humbled to be putting my app out there for feedback. I am finally "daring greatly."

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
100DaysOfNoCode Day 5 - An app beta feedback form built in Tally.

Beta testing starts now. Interested?

#ODNC3 #buildinpublic
My son loves his new snuggly Fast hoodie from
Excited to support another no-code maker
#ODNC3 #buildinpublic