#Buildinpublic day 37 :

I'll softly launch the mentoring platform this week, first I'll give only access for the mentor

When it is stable, I'll open it for the public
#buildinpublic day 36

My mentoring platform is in test for now, I don't know when I will launch it, in 2 weeks I will be on holiday.
Tomorrow night I’ll open the Bêta test version 🦁

Plan for tomorrow:

- DM on Linkedin
- Write a digest on Indie Hackers & Reddit
- Ship the beta version

Struggling to find the right mentor for your personal and professional growth?

Currently I build Avocado Growth - a platform connects you with experienced mentors who can guide you towards success!
Just posted a demo video of @avocadogrowth , the new platform for IT mentorship.

See how easy it is to create a mentor account and start sharing your expertise with aspiring IT pros.

Check it out! #buildinpublic…
🇫🇷 L'objectif de ma plateforme de mentorat dans la Tech @avocadogrowth 👇

La problématique ?
Le client cible ?
Quelle est la solution ?

The purpose of my mentoring platform in Tech @avocadogrowth 👇

The problem?
The target customer?
What is the solution ?

Day 20

Challenge to launch a SaaS in 30 days or at least MVP

So just to remind you it's a mentoring platform called Avocado Growth

This morning I added a mentor as a favourite, we can then find the list of our favourite mentors in our dashboard

Waw Realtime chat with @supabase it's so smooth

Here is a chat between the mentor and the mentee, I'll improve it

Currently, I'm building a mentorship platform, I'll share my progress everyday.

Now I go sleep😴
Today I start

I’ll share you my daily progress in a Notion file 🚀

For my SaaS Indie Mentors project I'm doing the 30 day Build in public, inspired by the OG @victor_bigfield

Want the daily progress shared in a Notion file?

Put a little comment like when I start dev I'll share it with you

For my SaaS Indie Mentors project I'm doing the 30 day Build in public, inspired by the OG @victor_bigfield

Want the daily progress shared in a Notion file?

Put a little comment like when I start dev I'll share it with you

🇫🇷 Commençons le #buildinpublic

J'ai une idée d'app, j'essaie de la valider, j'ai construit une simple landing pour collecter des emails, je contacte quelques utilisateurs potentiels en DM pour voir si ça vaut le coup

Pour l'instant assez positif, on tient quelque chose
Let's start #buildinpublic

I have an idea for an app, I'm trying to validate it, I've built a simple landing page to collect emails, I'm contacting a few potential users in DM to see if it's worth it.
SaaS Next JS boilerplate: Take a look on the OnBoarding flow 🫶

I'll try to ship it in 20 days

Your next SaaS boilerplate, don't waste time going to market,

🇫🇷 On commence le prochain projet: un boilerplate Next Js x Chakra UI x Supabase

Le but m’en servir pour chaque SaaS et le commercialiser aussi.

Je vais publier l’avancée en dessous de ce tweet 👇
