#day6 of #100DaysOfCode completed with #python. Learned about while loops using a robot game.
Finished #day5 of #100DaysOfCode in #python messed with for loops and made a random password generator.
#day4 of #100DaysOfCode with #python completed!! Learned about randomization and made a heads or tails coin flipper, a treasure map and a Rock Paper Scissors game! Gotta remember to convert inputs to int() 🙃
Just finished #day3 of #100DaysOfCode with #python, made a love calculator, pizza order system and a choose your own adventure game. A lot of if and elif statements, still getting the hang of them. Hard to wrap my head around.
#buildinpublic currently building A goal setting app where you are actually held accountable. People can see the goals you set and goals require proof to be considered completed, whether that’s a screenshot, a picture or video.
Just finished #day2 of #100DaysOfCode ! Made a tip calculator in #python. Was challenging but getting better.
#day2 of #100DaysOfCode using python, running through mathematical operations and F strings.
Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode complete, made a band name generator based on the name of the city you grew up in and your pets name.