Made a big play on the SEO front: moved my blog from a subdomain to a subdirectory!

From: WordPress
Now: @unicornplatform

1. PageSpeed 👆🏽
2. Placed strategic CTAs in blogs
3. Easy placement of internal links
=> Increased traffic & conversions🤞🏽


In the past week, Flexiple received 84 clients leads just from Twitter => That's 2x the leads we get in a week from all channels combined!

So, if you are not using Twitter for your B2B efforts, start now! Give value & Twitter giveth in return :)

Planning to build all of TalRemote in #nocode and also in public 😃

Finished building the developer onboarding flow.

Stack used:
1. @webflow
2. @MemberstackApp
3. @integromat
4. @airtable

Was quite tricky and took longer than expected.

Details in thread👇🏽

Built the marketing website of TalRemote on @webflow in 4 hours 💪🏽

Power to #NoCode and the supportive community!

Let me show you how :)

Thread 👇🏽
