Any new boundaries noticed lately? I have learned Polylang, and now I am developing a multilingual site.

Once you see the boundaries of your environment, they are no longer boundaries of your environment. Marshall Mchullan.

#learninpublic, #buildinpublic
The four roles in the no-code ecosystem. 

Anyone else?

1️⃣ User: basic knowledge of a no-code tool 
- Produces simple products
- Non-technical user with high domain knowledge
- Pure no-code user

#nocode, #buildinpublic, #learninpublic
Second and last day of Nocodefest
Organized by @sharingaway and @tiemporelativo

1️⃣ No code is all about possibilities. 
It is up to you the professional path to choose, but if you are in a team, why not diversify? 👇

#nocode, #buildinpublic, #learninpublic
First day of Nocodefest in Valencia, Spain

Organized by @sharingaway with the collaboration of @tiemporelativo

This year, the speakers discuss the vast opportunities of no code in the labor market. 👇

#nocode, #buildinpublic, #learninpublic
APIs are to no-code apps what sockets to any appliance.

Working with @getpostman platform to explore web-based APIs and love it.

#nocode, #buildinpublic, #learninpublic
The first approach is better for large quantities of data and long lists. The second one allows parallelization.

See more details in the @bubble forum:

Example from @Bubble Crash Course:

#buildinpublic, #learninpublic
3️⃣ Gmail will associate the dummy email address to the initial account and redirect all the emails to its inbox. 

And this is not all. Filters work.

#buildinpublic, #learninpublic
Bubble on-call: loops part 1

Loops help to execute a recurrent event in your app at once.

For instance, you can schedule a periodical event:

1️⃣ Set up a page for the main inputs: name of the event, date, repetition days, and total recurrency.

#buildinpublic, #learninpublic
Bubble on-call: little tricks and backend workflows

@Bubble Little tricks.

Three easy steps to copy an app's page to another:  
1) Copy the page with the mouse right button.

2) Go to the new app.

3) Paste the page with the mouse right button.

 #buildinpublic, #learninpublic
Bubble on-call: option sets

@bubble option sets are static data that don´t change with customer interaction.

Their main features are:
- Used to store data you know in advance: countries, industries, or days of the week. 

 #buildinpublic, #learninpublic
Bubble on call: Custom states

The @bubble custom states are temporary variables not stored in the database but on the browser.

Therefore, they provide a faster user experience while you are on a page but lost when reloading.

#buildinpublic, #learninpublic
I keep learning @bubble.
I love the "contains keyword" option in filters for use cases that seek information in knowledge databases:
- recipes by ingredients
- blog articles or newsletters by concepts or words,

Any other idea?

#buildinpublic #BuildwithBubble
I love the new @bubble responsive engine but most courses are not adapted yet.

Learn the other way around:
1/ start familiarizing yourself with the responsive design
2/ learn the rest of the functionality.

It will save time pondering
how things work.

My new web is already live.
Yesterday was a crazy day. The new Elementor version is not compatible with the Elementor Pro plugin yet.
I had to roll the update back.
One lesson learned. Wait a few days till the stabilization of new releases.

#buildinpublic #elementor #wordpress
@bubble @nocodelife @pabloheredia24 @figma En definitiva, estoy encantada con lo que se puede conseguir en un tiempo razonable y el potencial que le veo a la herramienta.
#buildinpublic #buildwithbubble