I just found that authentication system that I was looking for is a product @ClerkDev that already existed and it is same that I was looking for. I knew it before as I saw someone use it in his application but it was not in my mind. Maybe I will use it in my app.
I don't have many screens like I only have approx 5-7 screens on my app. So I can use Traditional way but still thinking of using other way as It is more simpler than traditional way. Let me do a little bit more research to find out more.
Finally Run the REACT NATIVE Project Successfully! EXPO was life saver. Trying to do it with react-native from last night but facing errors so made plan of using EXPO, created new Project using EXPO and it worked. 🥳

Now Let's start building this app 👨‍💻👨‍💻👨‍💻
