Day-4 of #buildinpublic.

The flow began to take shape and that excites me to wake up tomorrow and get things done.

I now sense the madness in building products with #NoCode.

What’s done today:
• Upvotes
• Clickable tags
• Detail page for Question
Day-2 #buildinpublic went as expected 🥳🥳.

Building #nocode is a 🔥experience.

@yashjaing and @The_Klapz_Guy - good job folks.
Very soon, seeking & giving help online will have a structure.

Being accountable and consistent is the core at #buildinpublic

Following the legends like @arvidkahl, I am now maintaining a progress tracker.…
My first #buildinpublic day went 🚀.

Thanks @The_Klapz_Guy and @yashjaing.

Yash: Had to 1.5x the video-speed, you gotta speak faster brother. 😅