It blows my mind.

The exact same service I was selling for $6 on the @appshineio launch promo.

No one on Twitter would buy.

Now that it’s at $300, we have to turn people down because of capacity.

🤷🏾‍♂️ same service. Different price

My goal for Q3 is to:

- Grow side project income to $500/MRR (currently $83)

It's mostly gonna happen through sales but maybe product dev if I'm lucky.

This bar feels low to me but with a wife and a 1yo baby I feel this is realistic.

Let's get to work! 🧨

Officially completed the first client project for @appshineio

Cause for celebration 🎉 🍾

It’s only up from here. #buildinpublic
We are number 16 on the daily chart.

If we end the day in the top 7, I will bake a jalapeño pie and eat a full slice of it 👀

Yesterday I sold a service that will take ~20 hours of work for exactly $3.00 🤯

Most will say this is insane.

However it is 100% intentional.

Since it’s a new space, I do it for reputation.

What do you guys think about this strategy?

Insane or genius?

Today is official launch day on Product Hunt for @appshineio . Please come out and support the launch

We’re having an awesome launch promo you DON’T want to miss. Let’s goo 🚀😇…

It seems that it’s become popular in the #buildinpublic to bash cold emailers by large accounts

But with no outbound, how does the builder with 300 followers $0 budget validate their idea? 🤔

It’s easy to be arrogant and look down on those who are trying 😴
Hey guys,

I’m cooking up a Product Hunt launch and I have an ask to make…

Who is willing to support us on launch day? 🥺😇🙏🏾😄

This is especially-built for early stage tech startups/projects 🚀

Been a while since a #buildinpublic update..

After much struggling, I finally was successful in fine-tuning my ML model to fit my customer’s use case 🥳

Except I now have 10 days to build an app and cloud architecture around it to make it USABLE 😅
I ran an outbound campaign & posted regular updates to #buildinpublic

I did it to validate the product I wanted to build. The results?

I had an open rate of +97% and call rate of 33%

I even got pre-orders + referrals! 🤑

THIS is how you do it right in 2023 👇🏾 (Case study)
Question for my followers:

How come no one is doing video content on Twitter??

Doesn’t it generate more engagement anyways? I’m curious what the community thinks.

I intentionally push my .env file on my public repo.

Having my API keys exposed forces me to iterate faster than bad actors can keep up with.

This is what #buildinpublic in really about folks
OpenAI just launched their iOS app and bankrupted a lot of indie hackers 💀

Here's how my outbound validation campaign is going. 📞✅

Calls completed: 29
Calls pending: 7
Rejections: 12
Referrals: 10
Messages sent: 91 (excluding follow ups)

Here’s how my outbound validation campaign is going. 📞

Calls completed: 13
Calls on calendar: 6
Rejections: 11
Referrals: 7
Messages sent: 41 (excluding follow ups)

Month 2 of #buildinpublic and trying to find my Tribe on Twitter since I know you guys love numbers. 🥸

3 take-away lessons in 🧵
Happy Friday folks 🥳

What are you guys gonna be working on this weekend?

#buildinpublic #indiehackers
Here’s how my outbound validation campaign is going. 📞

Calls completed: 13
Calls on calendar: 6
Rejections: 11
Referrals: 7
Messages sent: 41 (excluding follow ups)

Just got another successful validation call. ✅

Calls completed: 6
Calls on calendar: 2
Referrals: 5
Rejections: 4
Messages sent: 27

Man, I messed up big time 😂

I had a bug in my onboarding flow and after a user signed up, they were sent to a 404 page instead of seeing instructions on how to install the Github Extension


@explainthispr has reached 5 MAU

However, I can see that many of them signed up but did not connect any repo... Maybe my onboarding is broken?

Time to investigate 🧐

I will reach out and personally help them get setup so they don't churn

#buildinpublic #buildinginpublic
I had a customer say during an interview call:

"If X could be automated [ ... ] it would be cut down a 12 hours job down to 4 hours for me"

I might be onto something valuable if I can deliver 👀

#buildinpublic #indiehackers