Question for all the #iosdevs out there. Is there a way I can apply a blur to everything under my card, using a custom color and not using any built-in iOS materials (like ultraThinMaterial)? Or possibly allowing UIBlurEffect to take in a custom color? #buildinpublic #swiftui
Maximizing weekends: Pursuing passions, learning new skills, & having fun doing what you love. What’s your passion project?

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#setupwars #homeoffice #codesetup #codesetups #softwareengineer #codesetup #buildinpublic #swiftlang #swiftui
How this is coming together so far, the next thing to do is to put the text inputs on the screen.

#buildinpublic #iosdev #softwareengineer #programming #developer #swiftui #swiftlang
Here’s what I have learned today in #SwiftUI.

✅Fetching, creating, & deleting using CoreData

✅Creating Entities and Attributes

✅Different ways to use NSManaged, Environment, and FetchRequest Subclasses

#iosdev #buildinpublic #100daysofcode #hackingwithswift #swiftlang
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