I disappeared for a while. It's not necessarily bad. It's not that I didn't build or improve the product. It's not that I didn't read the posts and threads.

I reflected on my way of working and communicating. First, I move the #buildinpublic to @TableVoyager. More on the way.
Yesterday was far from perfect. Today, things work much nicer. This and a few more things cleared from the to-do list.

#buildinpublic #dailylog
Ok, so when writing scenarios I really missed one feature β€” a table.

So now I have a table block πŸ€“

#buildinpublic #dailylog
Getting rid of the v0 I worked on in the last months of the previous year was uneasy. But I'm glad to start dogfooding with v1 and fit into the timeline.

#dailylog #buildinpublic
Another back of improvements:
- Updating text and interactive styles for readability
- Introducing plan placeholders and styling

I hope to connect the Stripe dev account by the end of the weekend 🀞

#dailylog #buildinpublic
More or less, I finalised the core functionality and improved the UI a bit since the last time.

🚌 Next stop: Connect the Stripe dev account and introduce a testing environment for subscriptions.

#dailylog #buildinpublic
2 months
4 days
1-2 hours per day
Many doubts
Much inspiration from other founders
= (closed beta)


#buildinpublic #nocode
πŸš€ Productive Sunday πŸš€
- Mixpanel's tracking and events set
- Restricted Beta Access set
- SendGrid set
- Settings page nav improvements introduced
- New domains bought πŸ˜…

Landing page is on the way with the new identity progressively put in place. It feels nice to finally implement it. ✨

With the app ready for beta testing, I started to dive into the legal and administrative parts of app building. It's hard to admit, but it's refreshing to step away from the focus work for a bit and get a high-level view.

Log #15
A busy evening. I introduced adding from the library, sorting, and multiple bug fixes. The next step is the SEO review and RWD optimisation.

#buildinpublic #nocode
Log #14
Searching and filtering through the Bubble app database is both a core and quite a challenge. Today's improvement is the introduction of a case-insensitive search today.

Log #13
πŸ”Ž Search, empty states, rich text editor, and more – done!

#nocode #buildinpublic
Log #12
2-3 days pass by, and you make significant progress. Then you are stuck fighting this one bug you cannot figure out.

At least the 'global add' works πŸŽ‰

#buildinpublic #nocode
Log #10
I like improving things to break another πŸ™ˆ

Log #9
The stories list stops growing. Ha! It even gets shorter. Every day gets me closer to beta. It’s funny that just a few days ago I couldn’t see the finish line on the horizon. πŸπŸ‘€

Log #8
Authentication is finally in place. In the bubble app, it is almost hassle-free. Still, feels so satisfying.

Log #6
The recent break helped a little – as it often does – to regain a perspective. It serves as momentum to go back to the drawing board.

I redesigned the main navigation, reviewed removing a spare module, and ideated on the global search.

Log #5
This is how I track my bets. Unfortunately, I exceeded my timeline and it slowly creeps into another month. I have 27 days to release or drop it.

I had 8 days break due to the various reasons. I got back and started from reviewing the foundations.

Log #4
It was the first time I finally tested the APCA contrast calculator. APCA is more accurate in comparison to WCAG 2. The site is horrible but worth figuring out for the a11y sake –

I checked it against and improved the typography.