Even a simple layout like this may contain a myriad of CSS concepts: typography, box model, position properties, and modern layout techniques like flexbox, and CSS Grids.

#html #css #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic
Day 17 of #100DaysOfCode. Understanding #reactjs state concepts:

"A state variable’s value never changes within a render, even if its event handler’s code is asynchronous."

#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #javascript
What is the result of "{} === {}"? Learning a lot from this tutorial by @dan_abramov. Easy to understand and beginner-friendly 🙏…

#javascript #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic
Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode. Re-learning about useState hook. Also playing with @bing. An amazing tool for the learning experience, check it out:

#typescript #reactjs #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic