Hey IndieHackers,
How do you price your LTDs for saas having a subscription model?

Will you PAY subscription in Rupees instead of USD, If you are living outside India?

As an IndieHacker do you launch the MVP also on Product Hunt?

Or when the app is ready?

🚨 Announcement

I am working on a new project & glad to announce that i have already got my 1st Beta user (before MVP)


Which one do you use the most?

⚠️ Need your HELP!

I am working on a new side project,
wanted to know if i should share about it?

Its gonna take time to ship it, due to school.

Worth it or not?

#buildinpublic #programming
⚠️ Need your HELP!

I am working on a new side project,
wanted to know if i should share about it?

Its gonna take to ship it, due to school.

Worth it or not?

#buildinpublic #programming
I have 15+ Domain names for my new Saas, it's getting difficult to choose one.

Any tips you have for me?
Thanks in Advance 🙏

Developers do you feel the same?

When you are not able to think what project to work on next?

Not getting customers...

No reach....

What do you do?

#100DaysOfCode #programming #buildinpublic
GymlogME update:

I am thinking of adding a push notification in the website → which reminds people to log their workout for current day.

How does it sound?

If you want to take a look into product, join waitlist:

#buildinpublic #programming #javascript
Attention fitness enthusiasts! 💪
I am excited to announce the waitlist for GymLogMe.

Transform Your Fitness Journey with GymLog: The Ultimate Workout Tracking Tool

Help me validate this Idea, your input is important to me


#buildinpublic #programming
Attention fitness enthusiasts! 💪 I am excited to announce the waitlist for GymLogMe.

Transform Your Fitness Journey with GymLog: The Ultimate Workout Tracking Tool

Help me validate this Idea, your input is important to me!


Developers are you working today?

I was working on my side project
- requested for Google indexing
- learning about Google ads
- hosting the site
- planning

I'm also planning to make a waitlist for my side project, to validate if other people would like to use

I am working on a side project, it will help me keep track of my workouts.

No fancy features, simple & fast.

#buildinpublic #programming
Would you people use a website to check your competitors different social media & recent activities?

#programming #buildinpublic
I need your help 💁‍♂️
What do you think sounds better?
1. Redirect to your latest youtube video
2. Just share one link for all of your youtube videos

For my SAAS (Tubelink)

#100DaysOfCode #programming #javascript #buildinpublic
Saas update:
I will be Launching Tubelink soon.

❌Beta Version → ✅Live site

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #programming #buildinpublic
You can use Tubelink & never need to modify the links again.

Generate 1 link & it will do all the work behind the scenes.

In result a user will be redirected to the latest video of your YT channel.

Wanna test it out?
#buildinpublic #saas
BETA version -
Do you update your video links in the social media profiles?

You are doing WRONG!

Open this thread:

#YouTube #buildinpublic #programming #javascript**
Here's the link for TubeLink BETA version 👇

Can't wait to get your feedback 😄

Thanks in advance!

RT is appreciated!
#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #programming #javascript